What is the Organization of the Houthi armed forces?

The Hassas Armed Forces were originally active in the northern part of Yemen with tribal militia.In September 2014, the Hassas armed forces seized the capital Sana, and then occupied the southern part of Yemen, forcing President Hadi to escape and refuge in Saudi Arabia.

The Hussean armed, like the Palestinian radical Hamas, is an enemy with Israel and is supported by Iran.Shortly after the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, the Houthi armed forces began to dispatch drones and missiles to attack "any ships related to Israel or drove to Israel ports" to support Hamas.

The Bayeng government removed the Houthi armed forces from the list of terrorist organizations in February 2021, and is now considering reopening it as a terrorist organization.

The United States and Britain hit the Hussean armed forces (Morning News)

Why is it hit by the US and British military blows?

With the expansion of the Harbin war line, the Hassas armed forces frequently attacked merchant ships in the Red Sea, and ships that had nothing to do with Israel were also attacked.According to US military statistics, since November 18 last year, at least 25 merchant ships have been attacked in the Red Sea or the Gulf of Aden, so the shipping company has instructed that the shipbuilding vessels have gone around.This disrupting the supply chain also pushes the cost of freight, which may affect the global economy and exacerbate inflation.

In order to protect the dealers' ships from armed forces, the United States formed a number of national leagues patrolling in the Red Sea.The 13 countries led by the United States warned that the Fortune armed forces immediately stopped the attack, otherwise it would face the consequences.The United Nations Security Council also passed a resolution that the Hassas armed forces immediately stopped attacking the merchant ship; but the Hassas armed forces ignored the warning that the Red Sea League, which the United States led by the United States, would lose its safety and start a fatal attack.

The United States and Britain's crackdown on the Houthi armed forces are forcing the armed organization to converge and allow the Red Sea to restore shipping safety.President Biden said that this was a response to the threat of freedom of navigation. He emphasized that if the situation needs, the United States will take further measures.British Prime Minister Sonak said that although the international community has repeatedly warned, the Houthi armed forces continue to carry out attacks, including the target of British and American warships, which cannot tolerate it.

Mei Yingqiang, while curbing the Horse armed forces, also plays a deterrent effect on other forces, especially Iran.

What impact will

cracking down?

The Hassas armed forces accused the United States of Britain's public aggression.

The Gascean armed forces gradually expanded in the Yemen Civil War not only survived in the military strikes of the Saudi coalition forces, but also developed into a force that could affect the regional situation. It is expected that it will not be severely damaged due to air strikes in the United States and Britain.In the future, it will not be ruled out that the Houthi armed forces will launch more attacks to retaliate against the United States and Britain, nor will it be ruled out that other organizations will be chaotic.

Analysis believes that with the British bombing of the Messemonia against the Massache, the Bayeng government has actually become a "direct participant of the Gaza War."This attack shakes the United States to avoid direct intervention in armed conflict, and the risk of upgrading the situation is very high.

If the conflict spreads, the trade activities of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf channel throughout the way may be threatened, and oil prices will continue to rise.