(Hoitaida / Washington Composite Electric) Yemenmen Hushay Armed Forces will respond strongly on the US military attack and hold a military exercise in the border area border border with Saudi Arabia that day, which further exacerbates the tension in the Middle East regionsituation.

The United States and the United Kingdom launched a large -scale sea and air attack on multiple bases of Hussean in the Messemi -armed base on Friday (January 12) in Yemen time. After the U.S. military attacked a radar facility in Hassas on Saturday (13th).

The Hassy armed spokesman Amir told the Peninsula TV that the attack on Saturday did not cause any damage or casualties, and Hussean would make a "firm, powerful and effective response."

Reuters quoted another spokesman for Hassas armed forces, Salam, said that the attack of the United States and Britain did not significantly weaken the ability of Hussean to prevent Israel's ability to cross the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.

According to Al-Masirah TV, which is also controlled by Hussean armed armed armed, Hassas armed for military exercises on Saturday, SAADA, which is adjacent to Saudi Arabia.Human -machine and other weapons are shot on the target of the Israeli flag.

Before the war with Saudi Arabia in 2015, the Houthi armed forces also conducted similar exercises in Sada Province.The report quoted the Houthi Armed Commander that they were ready to participate in the fight against the enemy of "United States and Jewish Repeatedism (Israel)".

U.S. President Biden revealed on Saturday that the United States conveyed information to Iran on the Bessy's attack on the Red Sea Shipping, but did not explain the content of the information.He said: "We passed the information privately, we believe we are ready to be fully prepared."

Bynden warned one day before, if Hassas kept its "ingenious behavior", the United States would respond.British Foreign Minister Cameron also pointed out on Sunday Telecommunications that the United Kingdom and the United States has weakened the ability to establish the Hussean with the support of Iran to a certain extent.Essence

Hassas is estimated to have two -thirds of the attack ability

The New York Times quoted two anonymous U.S. officials that after suffering the US -British air raids for two consecutive days, Hussem is estimated that there is still two -thirds of its attack capabilities.

Two officials revealed that finding the Houthi armed target is more difficult than expected.They pointed out that in recent years, the United States and other Western intelligence agencies have not invested a lot of time or resources to collect. The information about the anti -air defense system, command center, thermal arsenal, and the production and storage facilities of the Hussean armed armed forces.Most of the attack capabilities of the plug are equipped on a mobile platform that is convenient for transfer or hidden.

It is reported that although 90%of the hit targets hit by the hit are destroyed or destroyed, the ability to launch missiles and drones to the Red Sea ships to the Red Sea ship has weakened only 203%.

The officials interviewed predict that once the firepower remains and formulate the attack plan, the Hussean armed forces will fight back.One of the officials also said that Husserha seemed to have differences in how to respond to the US -British air strikes.

The Secretary -General of the United Nations Yemen Men's special envoy Glendeli urged all parties to maintain the greatest restraint when the Red Sea tensions were upgraded.He expressed serious concerns about his increasingly unstable regional situation and the negative impact of the peace process and regional stability and security.

The target of the US -British air strike Hussen in Yemen, which triggers concerns about Yemen people. After nearly two years of the civil war, the war may erupt again.A 36 -year -old female civil servant in the coastal city of Yemen told AFP that she was awakened by the explosion when she was on Friday, and she was afraid to curl up in the quilt. It felt like the end of the world was here.

Due to the reappearance of the war, the Horita -controlled Hollywood and Sana's gas stations appeared in line on Friday, but the crowd dispersed, and the residents of the capital Sana roughly recovered their normal life.

The 30 -year -old pediatrician Sinan said: "We are not afraid of these air strikes, because we have been used to it for many years." But she also pointed out: "We want to live in a safe and stable environment.War. "