(Washington Composite Electric) Following the large -scale air strike of the United States and Britain, the United States attacks the facilities of the Hussean armed forces in the United States.The U.S. Central Command on Friday evening (January 12) confirmed that the US military air strike a radar facility of the Hussean armed forces and continued to weaken Hussean's attack capabilities.

The U.S. military said that the naval destroyer Cani launched the target of the Tomahawk cruise missile to attack Hussersea. The attack time was about 3:45 am on Saturday on Saturday (Singapore time 8:45 am).

The Houthi armed forces said on Saturday that in a new round of air strikes, the United States and Britain targeted the Air Force base of the capital Sa.A Hussean spokesman said that the American attack would not greatly weaken the Hascey's armed attack ability.

Less than a day ago, the United States and Britain launched a large -scale sea and air attack on many strongholds in Hose in Yemen.US President Biden has warned that as long as the Hassy armed forces did not stop attacking merchant ships, they would order more air strikes.

Earlier on Friday, the White House spokesman Kobe told the media on the Air Force No. 1 special plane that the United States had no intention of fighting in Yemen, but he would not hesitate to take further action.

Cerbia pointed out that after the largest attack on the Red Sea International Channel on Tuesday, President Bayeng approved a military blow to Hassy.He emphasized that the United States is not interested in any form of conflict, and states that everything in Biden is to prevent conflict upgrades.

Cerbie also said that the United States had no intention of conflicting with Iran who supported Hussean armed, but asked Iran to stop supporting Hassas.

Bynden answered a reporter in Pennsylvania on Friday in Pennsylvania, saying that the Hussean armed forces were terrorist organizations.Biden said that the attack launched by the United States and Britain did not cause civilian casualties and was a "success" action.

Reverse the U.S. -British Action Hassy launching anti -ship ballistic missiles

In addition, Sims, director of the United States Joint Staff, said that the Houthi armed forces fired at least one anti -ship ballistic missile on Friday to show revenge, but did not hit any ships.He said Washington is expected to launch a revenge.

After being hit by an air attack, the Hussean Armed Supreme Political Committee stated on Friday that the "all interests" of the United States and Britain have become the legal blow target of Hussean armed forces.

On the same day of the same day of the capital of Yemen, a large -scale demonstration broke out, and the masses shouted anti -American and anti -Israeli slogans.The organization launched a demonstration said that as many as 1 million people participated in the rally.

In the Iranian capital Tehran, hundreds of people held anti -American, anti -British and anti -Israeli parades, and burned the three national flags outside the British Embassy; in Gasha, the Palestinians praised the support of Hushay forces and condemned Britain and the United States.

The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on Friday night. The United Nations assistant secretary general of the Middle East and Asia -Pacific affairs warned when the Security Council notified the Red Sea situation that the air strikes may further upgrade the situation in the Red Sea.

The representatives of most member states of the Security Council expressed concern about the US -British air strikes also exacerbated regional tensions.Russia's permanent representative of the United Nations said that the attack on the United States and Britain was a blatant aggression against another country.But the United States and Britain argued that the blow was in line with international law.

The UN Secretary -General Gutres calls on all parties to restrain to avoid upgrading the situation.Gutres pointed out that the relevant parties must fully abide by the resolution of the Security Council No. 2722, and at the same time emphasized that the attack on the Red Sea international ships is "unacceptable" because this will endanger the security of the global supply chain and the situation of global economic and humanitarianism.have negative impacts.

The United States announced sanctions between Hong Kong and the UAE

On the other hand, the United States announced on Friday that sanctioned two companies in Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates to combat the financial network of Hussean armed forces.

The U.S. Treasury said that the two companies assisted Iranian financialists to transport Iranian goods and used the sales of these goods to support Hassas and funded Hassas to attack the Red Sea and Aden Bay.Jamal was allegedly related to the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards. He was listed as a sanctions on the United States as early as June 2021.

The Deputy Minister of the U.S. Treasury responsible for terrorism and financial intelligence Nelson said that the United States will take all feasible measures with allies and partners to stop the destruction and threaten global business activities.

Last month, the Ministry of Finance announced the head of Sana's Monetary Exchange Association, as well as the three exchangeors of Yemen and Turkey, saying that they assisted Iran to provide financial assistance to Hussean.