(Seoul Composite Electric) North Korea launched a missile, which is a suspected medium -level ballistic missile.

South Korean military said that North Korea launched missiles in the eastern waters of the Korean Peninsula in Pyongyang at 2:55 pm on Sunday (January 14) at about 2:55 pm (Singapore time).EssenceThe Korean Army is working closely with the United States and Japan to analyze the specific parameters of the missile.

The Ministry of Defense of Japan said that the maximum flight height of the missile was at least 50,000 meters, and eventually landed outside the Japanese exclusive economic zone.Japan criticized North Korea's launch that violated the UN resolution.

This is the first time North Korea has launched ballistic missiles this year, and it is also re -fired again after 27 days.

Solid fuel medium -range missile can be used to attack U.S. bases within the strike range

The Yonhap News Agency said that, given that North Korea has developed a high -power solid fuel engine for new medium -range missiles, and successfully conducted the ground ignition test of the first and secondary engines on November 11 and 14 last year.The possibility of using a new solid fuel test mid -range missile this time.

Compared with liquid fuel, solid fuel launch medium -range missiles are expected to further increase range.Because the use of solid fuel can omit fuel injection, it can be used for raids.

The range of the medium -range missile is 3000 to 5,500 kilometers.Experts believe that the distance from Pyongyang to Guam is 3,500 kilometers, and the straight line distance from Pyongyang to Alaska is more than 6,000 kilometers. Therefore, the U.S. military Guam and the Alaska base are within the scope of North Korea.

After North Korea launched the spy satellite last November, Seoul partly stopped the 2018 North Korea and South Korea military agreement. North Korea began to repair the border post and re -deployed the army and heavy weapons.

South Korea and North Korea are still in a state of war, because the South Korean War from 1950 to 1953 did not conclude a peace treaty, and only signed a suspension agreement.

Scholars: Following the situation in the world in the Middle East, Pyongyang and Moscow are more willing to challenge the United States and their allies

North Korea is establishing a closer relationship with Russia.North Korea ’s official North Korean Society said on Sunday that at the invitation of Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, North Korean Foreign Minister Cui Shanji will visit Russia for three days from Monday (15th).

The United States and the allies have previously condemned Russia for launching North Korean missiles to Ukraine. Washington said that its behavior was abominable, and Seoul said that Ukraine had been reduced to Pyongyang's nuclear missile test field.

Moscow and Pyongyang denied any weapon transactions, but the two countries vowed to deepen military relations last year.

Esley, a professor of international research professor of Lihua Women's University, said: "Pyongyang's force display should attract attention outside Seoul, because its military cooperation with Moscow has exacerbated Ukraine's violence, and because of its global concentration in the Middle EastNext, it may be more willing to challenge the United States and its allies. "