(Jerusalem Comprehensive Television) The war of Israel and Hamas Sunday (January 14) for a hundred days.The Israeli Prime Minister Natana threatened that even if the Hague International Court opened the trial of Israeli race extinction, it could not prevent Israel's determination to destroy Hamas.

Nei Tanahu said on a press conference on the live broadcast on Saturday (13th): "No one can stop us -Hague cannot, the evil axis cannot be, and others cannot." The evil shaft he saidIt refers to some anti -Israeli and anti -Western organizations in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. These organizations are also known as "resistance to the axis" with Iran.

Nei Tanahu went on to say, "(War), and it is necessary to continue until victory, we will do this." He said that most of Gaza's Hamas militants have been destroyed.

On October 7, the Hamas militants raid Israel, killing about 1,140 people, and about 250 people were seized as hostages.Israel immediately launched a revenge on Hamas, and a new round of Gasha war broke out.

The air strikes and ground battles launched by the Israeli Army over the past three months have killed more than 20,000 Palestinians.A small corner at the southern end.

Israel said the goal of its military operations is for militants and do everything possible to reduce harm to non -combatants.However, the scale of Gaza's killing and severe humanitarian disasters shocked the world and caused more and more suspension.

Thousands of protesters supporting Palestine on Saturday demonstrations in Washington and London demanded a ceasefire immediately, and opposed the support of Israel in the United States and the United Kingdom.

The head of the United Nations Palestinian refugee institution Lazarini said when he visited Gaza on Saturday, "Large -scale death, destruction, displacement, hunger, loss, and sadness in the past 100 days are tarnishing our common humanity."

He warned that the entire generation of children in Gaza was severely damaged, the disease was spreading, and the famine was approaching quickly.

South Africa had previously filed a lawsuit to the International Court, accusing Israel's implementation of racial extinction.Israel denied the allegations at a hearing held by the International Court last week, saying that South Africa seriously distorted the facts, and its actions in Gaza were self -defense.Israel said Hamas leaders have stated that they will launch a attack again, so unless Hamas is destroyed, Israel is threatened as a country's existence.

Israel refers to Hamas expand armed forces in Europe

At the same time, Israel accused Hamas conspiracy to attack the Israeli embassy in Sweden and extended armed forces to Europe.

Denmark, Germany, and Sweden caught several suspicious elements last month. The statement issued by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad mentioned a suspected Hamas member in Sweden, but did not explain him.Have you been detained?

The statement said that a multi -country investigation received information, saying that Hamas gangs were ordered to at a command station from Lebanon, "intended to attack the Israeli embassy in Sweden, buy a glide umbrella and mobilize the criminal group members of Europe". "Essence

Hamas did not respond immediately.It used to emphasize that Hamas's attack scope is limited to Israel, the west bank of the Jordan River, and the Gaza Strip; this is the land seeking to build a Palestinian country.

The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to comment on the specific safety issues of the Israeli embassy, only saying that "Sweden has seriously fulfilled the commitment to protect foreign envoys in the Vienna Convention."