U.SIt is hoped that the conflict of the Middle East will "not spread."

Agence France -Presse reported that Brinken met with Greek and Turkish leaders on Saturday (January 6).He told reporters after talks with Greek Prime Minister Mizttacis in Crete Island, Greece: "One of the worrying issues is the boundary between Israel and Lebanon (conflict).Upgrade.

He pointed out that the conflict upgrade may spread to the areas outside Gaza, which does not meet the interests of anyone.

Shortly after the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, the Lebanon Allah and the Israeli National Defense Force also began Continue to cross -fire in the Libian area .Hamas's high-level political figures, Aruri, After A>, the outside world is even more worried that the conflict at this stage will be further expanded between Li Li.According to , neither Shizuo nor Israel is clearly clear.Willing to fight.

Agence France -Presse also quoted the U.S. State Department that Brinken also met with Turkish President Erdogan earlier that day, and also "emphasized that the conflict must be prevented from spreading";The lasting regional peace, to ensure the security of Israel and the establishment of the Palestinian State. "

Turkish diplomatic sources said that Foreign Minister Philhanes pressed against Brostess at another meeting and asked Gaza to "stop fire immediately" to ensure that the local humanitarian aid was conducted smoothly.

Reporting pointed out that After the outbreak on the 7th, Turkey has always firmly supported Palestinians and Hamas.President Erdogan has a severe criticism of Israel's Prime Minister Neyhho, and compares it with Hitler, while accusing the United States of supporting the "racial extinction" of the Palestinians.

However, US President Biden Biden made his first call since the outbreak of Hardo in December. After that, Erdogan's words eased.This has nothing to do with Turkey's incident that Sweden has not yet approved the joining NATO, and some analysts believe that Biden's phone conversation with Erdogan at the time also ensured that Brinton was meeting with Erdogan.

The State Department of the United States said that Brinken and Erdogan discussed "completing Sweden's joining NATO (approval) and strengthening trade and investment between the United States and Turkey."

Erdogan has not joined the NATO green light to Sweden, hoping to put pressure on the veto power to allow Sweden to take a stronger position on the local Kurdish group.

At the same time, Erdogan has always tried to use Sweden to join the NATO in exchange for the United States to provide Turkey with 40 F-16 fighters and nearly 80 cash withdrawal equipment.The military sales have been supported by the Biden government, but it has not overcome the resistance of the US Congress.