(Gaza Comprehensive) U.S. Intelligence Institutions concluded that Hamas and ally, Jechhad, organized use of the Higher Hospital in northern Gaza to conduct operations and seize hostages, but evacuated in front of the hospital in the hospital.American informed officials said that information has been officially verified by the United States.

American informed officials on Tuesday (January 2) said that the U.S. government believes that although the Higan Hospital building and the tunnel below were the position of Hamas, Hamas had mostly evacuated a few days ago in Israel's operation a few days ago., And destroyed files and electronic devices when leaving.

Israel occupied Performance Hospital in mid -November, at the time there were still some patients in the hospital.Israel said that Higher Hospital is located at the top of the tunnel where Hamas headquarters is located. Hamas uses patients as a shield, but Hamas denies it.

On the other hand, the World Health Organization Director -General Tan Dezai strongly condemned the headquarters of the Israeli Crescent Crescent Society on the Israeli Airbus of the Israeli Air Force on Tuesday. He once again emphasized that medical and health institutions should not become the target of attacks in the conflict.

Palestinian Red Crescent said that the headquarters of Khanis in southern Gasha was attacked by the Israeli Army twice, causing five civilians in the headquarters and near the nearby Arler Hospital, and the other three were injured.

Tan Desai said that as many as 14,000 people have taken refuge in the Arle Hospital operated by the Red Crescent Club.