The Extreme Organization "Islamic State" claims that the commander of the Iranian revolutionary guard SuleimaniTwo fatal explosions near the cemetery are responsible. Tehran vowed strongly that the tension in the Middle East may further intensify.

Reuters reported that the Iraqi Organization issued a statement on Thursday (January 4) through the Affiliated Telegram Channel, saying that the two attackers have committed two suicide attacks in Calmann, southeast Iran.

The first President of Iran, Muhbel, told reporters in Kelman that the Suleimani army would "make a very strong revenge."In 2022, the Iraqi Organization claimed that it was responsible for the fatal attack on the Shiites of Iranian, and the attack killed 15 people.

U.S. White House spokesperson Kobe said on Thursday that there is no reason for the United States to doubt that the Iraqi Organization is responsible for the two bomb attacks on Wednesday.

Iranian official media reported that the funeral of the Calman explosion was held on Friday, and Iran's official call on a large -scale protest on the day.

The explosion has caused at least 80 people to die 280 injuries

Iranian on Wednesday to mourn that Sulemani was killed by the U.S. drone and killed the four -year event twice, causing at least 80 people to die and 280 injuries.Iran had previously pointed his spear head to the United States and Israel, saying that it was a terrorist attack, the purpose was to punish Iran's anti -Israel stand.

Suleimani was killed by the U.S. military drone outside the Bagada Airport of Iraq on January 3, 2020.