North Korea launched more than 200 artillery shells to the western parts of South Korea on Friday, less than a week before the North Korean leader Kim Jong -un said "preparing for the armed conflict at any time".Multiple cannonballs.Experts warn that North Korea's provocations have just begun, and the tense confrontation of the Korean Peninsula will continue to upgrade in the future.

South Korea's United Staff Headquarters said on Friday (January 5) that after North Korea unilaterally canceled the 1999 military agreement on November 23, 2023, it first launched more than 200 coastal artillery in the Western Sea buffer on the morning of the 5th. TheseThe cannon shells fall into the north side of the northern boundary (NLL).

Han Jun said that this is a provocative behavior that threatens the peace of the peninsula and exacerbates the tension. The Korean direction issues a serious warning and urged the DPRK to stop the provocative behavior immediately.The South Korean troops are following South Korea and the United States to track and monitor North Korea's related trends, and will take corresponding measures for provocations for Pyongyang.

This is a shooting exercise in Gaocheng, Jiangyuan Road on December 6, 2022, and firing artillery in the Han Dynasty Sea again after a year and one month.

In response, the co -staff staff headquarters of South Korea announced that starting from 3 pm on the 5th, the sixth brigade of the Navy of the Navy and Yanping Island Yanping forces used K9 self -propelled artillery and tank artillery for maritime firing training.

This is the first time that the Korean Army sent a maritime shooting exercise for the first time since South Korea signed a military agreement on September 19, 2018.

In this regard, the North Korean Society reported on the 5th that the General Staff of the Korean People's Army issued a statement saying (the North Korean launching artillery shells are a response to South Korea for large -scale shooting training.I wiped it from our knowledge. "

According to the 1999 military agreement signed by the Korean and North Korean North Korea, the South Korean and North Sea northern borders of the West and the North of the East China Sea set up buffer areas to prevent occasional military conflicts.Fighting cannons in the buffer area, or maritime mobility training, all violate the agreement.

South Korea officially issued orders twice on the 5th to evacuate more than 700 residents in Yanping Island and Baiyu Island.The passenger ship originally scheduled to depart from Incheon to Yanping Island was also required to suspend.

The resident of Jin, who lives in Baiyao Island, said: "Hearing the sound of '哐哐' at home, it lasted about two or three hours. Assuming that the shells were shells directly shelling the village, what should we do?"

As the tense situation intensified, the North Korean Society reported on the 5th that Kim Jong -un took his daughter Jin Zhuai to inspect the intercontinental ballistic missile launch vehicle production plant.

In the public photos released by North Korea, at least 5 launch vehicles that can be equipped with solid fuel-containment missiles "Mars-18" can also be seen. It also captures that it can be used to carry liquid fuel intercontinental missiles "Mars-17".The launch vehicle.

Kim Jong -un visited the factory: "In strengthening national defense forces, the status and role of the factory are very important."

Kim Jong -un, at the end of the Ninth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Labor Party held at the end of December 2023, characterized South Korea -North Korea relations as "the relationship between the two countries" and also instructed "preparing for the conflict between the force occurred at any time."

Public opinion believes that less than a week after Kim Jong -un issued a threatening remark, North Korea provoked the West Sea, which can interpret Kim Jong -un's instructions that are not "empty words."Moreover, as North Korea resumed its launch towards the Western Sea buffer, it means that the 1999 military agreement between the South Korea and North Korea was completely abolished.