英国政府星期天(1月7日)宣布,Britain plans to become the first European country to produce advanced uranium fuels.This fuel can only be obtained from Russia.

Agence France-Presse reported that the British government intends to invest 300 million pounds (about S $ 500 million) to build a high-content low-concentrated uranium (HIGH-Assay Low-Eriched Uranium (HALEU) plan to promote Britain in the world worldwideThe role of "replace" Moscow in the energy market.

Energy Minister Claire Coutinho said in a statement that Britain "confronts Putin in the field of oil, natural gas, and financial markets."He extorted us on nuclear fuel issues. "She pointed out: "This is essential for energy security at home and abroad, and is based on British historical competition advantages."

reports that many of the next -generation advanced nuclear reactors need Haleu fuel,Including the so -called small modular reactors (SMRS) intended to use the UK.Haleu fuel's uranium 235 content is between 5%and 20%, which is higher than the level of 5%of the currently operated nuclear power plant.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said that Haleu production has recently started in the United States, but only a Russian factory can achieve a commercial scale of uranium production.

According to reports, the investment announced this time is part of the country's provision of up to 24 GW (GW) power plans by the country by 2050.The plan will meet a quarter of British power demand.The government said that the first factory will be selected in northwestern England and is expected to be put into operation in the 1930s.

Britain hopes that 95%of electricity will come from low -carbon energy by 2030, and by 2035, the power grid will be fully decarburized.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Sunak will recently postpone the policy of banning all gasoline and diesel vehicles for five years to 2035, so it has been criticized.Critics believe that this measure will make it more difficult for Britain to achieve net zero emission targets in 2050.