(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israel announced the first preliminary management plan for the aftermath of Gaza, indicating that the Palestinian radical organization Hamas and Israel will not manage Gaza after the war, but Israel will continue to control the land.

The Israeli National Defense Minister Garrant On Thursday (January 4) at the press conference, he revealed to the media that it was about to present the Gaza Management Plan to the Cabinet during the war.He said: "Hamas will not manage Gaza, and Israel will not manage Gaza civilians. The residents of Gaza are all Palestinians, so they will be governed by Palestine's power institutions."

He emphasized that Israel does not allow Hamas to control the Gaza Strip or pose a security threat to the people, so the right will retain the right to "free action" in Gaza.

Two Cabinet Ministers in Israel have recently called for reorganization of Gaza civilians to the "third country", causing criticism, including the United States.

According to the Gaza Management Plan, which is still on the cabinet, Israel will continue to fight in Gaza until all hostages are released, Hamas's "military and governance capabilities" are disintegrated and all remaining military threats are eliminated.It is reported that more than 130 Israelic hostages are currently in Hamas.

Garrant also said that the military operations of Israel in Gaza will gradually transition to the third stage and adopt a more targeted blow in northern Gasha, including launching raids, destroying authentic, opening air and ground offensive.And dispatch special forces.The Israeli Army will continue to chase Hamas leaders in the south.He did not disclose the specific time for military operations to enter the third stage.

The Israeli government news office issued a statement on the same day that the third phase of the Israeli combat goal was to weaken the remaining forces of the Palestinian armed organization in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli Army continued to bomb in Gaza, and the Palestinian Red Crescent Society called on the International Communist Party and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Association to immediately adopt intervention operations to protect asylum in Arille Hospital in Khanis in the southern city of Gaza.Essence

Palestine's Red Crescent said on Thursday that the recent air strikes of Israeli not only caused more casualties, but also damaged the communication transmission system, which seriously obstructed the ability of medical staff to respond to the injured, patients and humanitarian emergencies.

The UN working team warned that due to the continuous air strikes on the Island, in the past three days, they could not provide urgent need of assistance to civilians outside the central region of Gaza and the northern region.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Health of Gaza on Wednesday, since the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, the military operations of the Israeli army in Gaza have killed more than 220,000 deaths and more than 57,000 injuries.

US Secretary of Shant

U.S. Secretary of State Brills started on Thursday evening and visited the Middle East again.He will successively go to Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and then to Israel to discuss how to immediately take measures to increase humanitarian assistance to Gaza.This was after the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, and he visited the Middle East for the fourth.

The State Department of the United States said that the talks of Brinken's trip were difficult.The Middle East obviously faces difficult problems and difficult choices, but Brinken believes that the United States has the responsibility of leading diplomacy to deal with these challenges.