According to sources, the suspect who attacked the largest Democratic Party leader in the Wild Party, Li Zaiming, loved to see the political YouTube channel. Drinking will fiercely criticize specific politicians or political parties, and is an excessively obsessed with politics.Analysis believes that this is the result of the polarization of South Korean politics and adversely affected the network.

It is understood that Li Zaiming's cervical stitching surgery is very successful. Wednesday (January 3) has been transferred to the general ward for treatment.

It is reported that Li was attacked in Busan on Tuesday (2nd) on Tuesday (2nd), and the police confirmed that the suspect was a man named Jin in 1957.After retiring at the Yongdao District Office of Seoul in 2001, he opened a real estate intermediary company.

According to the investigation, the 67 -year -old suspect, the day before he took the high -speed rail to Busan, took the high -speed rail to Jushan, and then returned to Busan on the morning of the 2nd.On the day of the incident, Li Zaishan planned to visit the former president Wen Zaiyin at the Pingshan Village near Ulshan Station, so he suspected that the suspect was actions taken for an early inspection.

At the same time, when Li Zaiming worshiped the cemetery of the late President Roh Moo -hyun on the 1st and on December 13, the Korean media captured the picture of the suspect's present.Police will investigate the suspect's criminal motivation and whether there is a co -crime.

The landlord of the suspect said: "He has not delivered the rent at the real estate agency office for eight months."

The merchants near the real estate agency pointed out that although he usually does not show political tendencies, he loves to see the political YouTube channel, drinking will fiercely criticize specific political figures or political parties, and he is an overly obsessed with politics.

The suspect's son said in an interview with SBS TV news: "My father lives in the office a few days a week and does not go home. He usually does not talk about politics with his family."

Scholars: Extreme political channels lead to hate political deterioration

Knowing that the professor of the University of Political Department of the University said: "The political and political bipolarization of camps is hate politics that does not accept different perspectives. Extreme political YouTube channels have caused this phenomenon to become more serious."

Cultural Daily reported that the suspect stated to the police that he joined and exited the Conservative Party of Korea many times during Park Geun -hye's administration. Last year, he joined his common Democratic Party because of "hate Li Zaiming", intending to understand Li Zaiming's schedule.

South Korean police are investigating the political background and communication records of the suspect, and plans to formally confirm their party membership to the common Democratic Party.If the suspect is confirmed, the case may be characterized as a "political hatred" crime, and it is expected to have a significant impact on the political community in South Korea.