• No one claims to be responsible for this explosion

  • Iran vowed to investigate the attacker

  • commemorative ritual is the mourning commander of Suleimani killed by the US military

  • The United States calls the explosion and the "Islamic State" previously implemented terrorist attack similar

Figures of the third party

Iranian officials said that on Wednesday, at the ceremony of commemorating the Iranian Holy City Brigade, who was killed by the American drone in 2020, two explosions occurred at the ceremony of Qassem Soleimani, which killed nearly 100 people.People are injured.The official accused it of being an unknown "terrorist".

Iranian state -owned TV reports reported that during the four -year commemorative event held in the cities in the southeast city of Krimani buried Suleimani's cemetery, the first explosion occurred after 20 minutes of the event, and then a second second occurred.Explosion.

No one claims to be responsible for the explosion.A senior official of the Biden government said that these explosive forms were obviously like the "terrorist attacks" carried out by the "Islamic State" militants in the past.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi condemned this as "ingenious and inhumane crimes."Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the highest leader of Iran, vowed to retaliate against these two bloody explosions.

Many countries including Russia and Turkey have condemned the attack, and the UN Secretary -General also called for the murderer's responsibility.

Iranian Minister of Health, Enorah, told a state -owned television station that the number of deaths was repaired from 103 to 95, and another 211 were injured.This is the attack with the most deaths in the history of the Iranian Republic.

Iran used to accuse Israel of attacking the individual or place of Israel's attack on its border-Israel has not confirmed or denied it-but no signs have shown that foreign countries involved in this cemetery explosion.

The White House national security spokesman Knie said that the United States did not find any signs that Israel was behind the scenes of the explosion.

An official who did not want to disclose the name told the Iranian National News Agency (IRNA) that "terrorists detonated two explosive devices that were buried on the road leading to the Cemeter Cemetery from the remote end."

** Film fuzzy **

Video shows dozens of flesh -and -blood corpses.There are hundreds of Iranians who participated in this commemorative ceremony. Some Iranian news agencies said that the number of injuries was much higher.

Subsequently, the official media claimed that the cemetery had been evacuated and closed until it was notified separately.The government announced on Thursday for the mourning day.

Although the authorities have not publicly accused who of the explosion, the Iranian Holy City Travel Commander ESMAIL QAANI said that the attack was implemented by the "Jewish Repeated stateist regime (Israel) and the agent of the United States"Essence

Iran often accuses its rivals Israel and the United States supporting anti -Iranian armed organizations behind it.

National TV screens played the crowd gathered at night, they shouted "Israel to die" and "American death".

U.S. State Department spokesman Miller said at a routine press conference that the United States did not participate in the explosion in any way, and there was no reason to believe that Israel was involved in the explosion.

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that Iran will use all international means to find out the persons and supporters participating in the attack and make it in order to make it.At the same time, the Iranian President canceled a visit to Turkey on Thursday.