Our reporter visited many cities in Ukraine, explored the current situation of the Russian and Ukraine with six notes and videos, and learned about the life of the Ukraine in the war from the first scene.

"The old house makes me feel warm, everything is made of love. The new house has no soul, and it is more suitable for children and grandsons."

Lyudmila Kizilova, who lives in the northern suburbs of Kiev, lost her husband in the war. The old houses of the four generations of thencestors were also destroyed by the Russian army.The new house is being rebuilt at the original site. Liu Demira took the reporter to investigate. Although the area is as large as the old house, the pattern is different from the building materials.

The 68-year-old old lady Liu Demira, who lives in the northern suburbs of Kiev, lost her husband in the war.EssenceThe old lady always feels that there is a little less new house.(Photo by Shen Zewei)

During the nine -day itinerary, the Asian reporter group left Kiev three days and walked to both sides of the north and south to learn about the reconstruction and economic problems during the Ukrainian war.We visited Irpin and Buchai north of Kiev, and then took the train to OdesSa and Mykolaiv, which were areas that were once attacked by the Russian army.

The Buzha killing incident that occurred in March 2022 shocked the world.After the car passed through Bucha and Il Ping, the traces of the war were vivid, and the buildings were destroyed by the missiles, and many housing built a fence.

The 68 -year -old Lewidemila recalled that the husband and wife hid in the cellar in the house after the war broke out. The husband was killed by the Russian army when he went out to check the situation.Every time she saw the reconstruction of the new house at the original site, she saw death and rebirth, and she couldn't help crying.

"Every time I get out of the cellar, I feel sad. I always think of my husband. There, I saw him still alive for the last time, and I seemed to see him sitting on a chair and let me help him cover the quilt.The next memory is that he is poured in a pool of blood. These two pictures are constantly staggered in front of my eyes, killed and alive, in the same cellar, it will accompany me and never disappear. "

Posad Pokrovske, the village of Posad Pokrovske in the northwest village of Kherson, is one of the most severely watched areas of the Russian army.About 3,000 people lived before the war, and there are currently only 800 left.When entering the village by car, there were many pits on the road and bumpy all the way.

We visited the 38 -year -old single mother Valentina in the village. She took the one -and -a -half -year -old son and mother for a temporary living in her friend's house. The family fled to France after the war broke out.

38-year-old single mother Valentina, a 38-year-old mother, with a one-and-a-half-year-old son and mother, for temporary residence.Valentina gave birth to a son in Lithuania while escaping.The house she lives has no water supply, and she has to go to the center of the village to take water.(Provided by PIJL of Public Welfare News Lab)

The house is covered with the traces of the damage of the war. The damaged windows need to be obstructed with plastic plus, and there are multiple pores in the iron door.Valentina is about to cook water for us to drink, only to find power off.There is no water supply in the house. She has to go to the center of the village to pick it up.In order to overwhelm winter, Valentina took the disability of the mother's house to the home and burned at home.

Valentina said helplessly: "War makes us homeless, and there is no spoon and fork. I can only spend here this winter. I don’t know if I can live in spring."

Valentina's house was beaten by the Russian missiles, and it must be demolished and rebuilt, and the construction of this spring will be started as soon as possible.Nataliya Gumec, the founder of Ukraine's non -governmental organization media "Public Interest Journalism Lab", said that Ukraine has not fought in Ukraine since World War II.People do not know how to push the village down and rebuild, and require international help.

The construction costs of new houses in Valentina and Lewedmila are paid by the government.But under the fire, the road to rebuilding the Ukraine was difficult.

Oleksandra Azarkhina, deputy minister of Ukraine Infrastructure, said that in 2023, the official capital contributed 20 billion Garvner (about 700 million yuan) plans to rebuild 800 housing and infrastructure projects because it costs the front line to fight the front line.Great, it is difficult to expand the reconstruction project.Vitaliy Kim, Governor of Nicholas, also said that 9,000 local private houses were destroyed by war and so far only rebuilt 1,400, because in addition to repairing infrastructure, they must also respond to the continuous threat of the Russian army.

Not only housing and infrastructure, Ukraine urgently needs to rebuild the economy.

One of the largest food exporters in Ukraine Nibulon, the CEO of Nibulon, Andriy Vadatalskyy, said: "People are running for air defense, no one works, which is the maximum economic loss that is difficult to estimate."

One of the largest food exporters of Ukraine, Andriy Vadatalskyy, CEO of Ukraine.(Photo by Shen Zewei)

Nibulon is headquartered in Nicholaev. It is the only large agricultural company in Ukraine with independent fleets and shipyards.Waduarski told the reporter that the war caused the port and the channel of Nicholaevev's port and the channel. 40%of the company's 7,000 employees could not go to work, 30%of the agricultural land was damaged, the dam was destroyed by the Russian army, and the loss was 416 million US dollars (approximately549 million yuan) huge amount.

The Port of Nicholaev and Odessa is the two black coastal ports of the Black Sea of Wusan, which has important strategic value.In particular, Odessa Deepwater Port, it is a port of 60 % of Ukraine.

After Russia refused to extend the Black Sea Food Export Agreement with Ukraine in July 2023, they immediately launched a large -scale missile attack on Oeda Port.Another wave of air strikes in September destroyed port hotels, food warehouses and many buildings.When the reporter group visited the port of Odessa, the Gangkou Hotel was still defeated at the scene.

Domytro Barinov, deputy director of the Odessa Trading Port, said that the Russian army has not resumed the comprehensive operation at sea at sea, and only food and a small amount of steel can export.The official mainly used the three ports on the Danube River Izmel, Riini, and Uzdu, but these channels were shallow and the large ship could not enter.

Ukraine has the most fertile in the worldBlack land, known as the European "bread basket", is also the world's large granary.Under the flames of the sky, Waduarski evaluated that Ukraine's valley exports last year will be reduced by 25 million tons.What is this concept?"The entire North African country, the total imports from Turkey to Morocco."Waduarski will not rule out that the wheat will be extremely short after two or three years, and "serious global food security issues" will occur.

One of the largest food exporters in Ukraine, Nibulon is stored in the tube warehouse at the port of Nicholas.(Provided by PIJL of Public Welfare News Lab)

The big chaebols like Nibulon's pockets can barely support, and the fate of ordinary farmers is even more bumpy.In an interview with a reporter's group on a reporter group on Posad -Pacorovsk Village, a 44 -year -old farmer, from beginning to end, it was the only one who did not smile out of more than 40 interviewees.

In the village of Posad-Pacorovsk, the 44-year-old farmer Ludmira of Avana Farm did not smile from beginning to end.(Provided by PIJL of Public Welfare News Lab)

After visiting the farm in depth, I fully understand why her expression was cold.The barn was bombed with only skeleton, and the potholes and conclusions of ammunition were used everywhere.The area of the farm is 1,200 acres, and 270 cows were originally raised, and there are currently only a dozen heads.

The reporter visited the Avana Farm, located in the village of Bosard-Pokrovsk, northwest village in the Hermuson area, and saw that the warehouse and the warehouse stored in the barn were exploded.The skeleton is full of potholes and clustering ammunition tablets everywhere.(Provided by PIJL of Public Welfare News Lab)
Avatar farm was attacked by the Russian army in the village of Porterrovsk, and the barn was bombed.(Photo by Shen Zewei)

Ludmira said that the Russian army hit almost every day at the beginning of the war, and some employees broke their legs because they stepped on the cluster of ammunition.

When the interview was in progress, the white smoke flashed suddenly over the sky, and there was a commotion at the scene.Ludmira continued to say expressionlessly that it was a shell fired by the Ukraine to the Russian army.Port -Pacorovsk Village is near the southern front and is located in the Herthon area north of Crimea, occupied by Russia.

The continued delay of war caused the farm funds to turn into an unrestrained turnover.Because Ludmila belongs to the peasant cooperative, the country will not be relieved, because the farmland is still clearing the thunder, the bank refuses to loan.Ludmila is reluctant to land and hometown, but if you can't borrow money this year, the farm will be difficult to escape from doingom.

She said: "The farm is gone. Everyone has no job and has to leave here. I grew up here from an early age. I hope that children can go to school normally here and get medical care. I work hard to find a way. I don’t want to watch it.The village is dead. "

When the interview was close to the end, the sky was stacked with ups and downs of pink sunset.

Over the Farm of Afanga, the village of Porterrovsk.(Photo by Shen Zewei)

The beauty of nature and the disappeared farm formed in a strong contrast, destroying and rebuilding the absurdity of this land.I picked up my phone and took a moment when hope and despair coexisted.If the pink sunset is auspicious signs, I hope that Rudmira and all the Ukrainian people will be able to meet their lives and usher in the end of the war at an early date.

(Ukrainian Notes 66)