As the Russian and Ukraine War fell into a protracted war, Joint Morning Post reporters visited many cities in Ukraine to explore the current situation of the Russian and Ukraine war with text and videos, and learn about the life of the Ukraine in the war from the first scene.Discover the mystery of the Ukrainian war. There are six notes. The first two are open reading, and the last four are exclusive to the reservation.

"I think there is light in this world."

This sentence, Ke Yi, a 37 -year -old Chinese student in Ukraine, said at least three times in an interview of more than 90 minutes.

Thanks to Ke Yi for coming to the capital Kiev from the southern Hermuson, so that when the interview trip was close to the end, I finally had the opportunity to use Chinese.

Ke Yi's speech was firm. He thought that what was right and insisted on the end, even if he had to carry the pressure of the huge domestic public opinion in China.Russia and Ukraine are fighting, and Ke Yi is also in Chinese social media to support Russia's "yellow goose", and in the "squid" that supports Ukraine.

After Russia invaded Ukraine, Ke Yi, a PhD in art in the western city, did not return to China. He chose to stay in Ukraine as a volunteer and teach children to paint in the air defense.Chinese media such as CCTV News, Southern Weekend, and Sanlian Life Weekly interviewed Ke Yi in the early days of the war. After his good dedication media was exposed, the voice of the Internet coming on the Internet was followed.

"Yellow Goose" and "Little Pink" scolded him to be volunteers in Ukraine but did not return to help the Chinese. Ke Yi said helplessly, "I started to be volunteers in a university in China, including the Wenchuan earthquake.It's all doing it. "

Ke Yi is from Xiaogan, Hubei, and lives in the countryside.After graduating from Yunnan Normal University in 2010, he worked on international cruise ships.In 2015, I went to Ukraine for further studies, first learned the language at Kiev, and then went to the Harkov National Academy of Fine Arts to study for a master's degree.After obtaining a master's degree in 2018, he returned to China for one year, and then went to PhD in the Lavov National University of Art in 2019. He stayed in Ukraine for almost seven years.

After the outbreak of the war, Ke Yi helped to place refugees in Lavff's church, including Chinese friends who evacuated from the front of the Halkov front.On WeChat, he raised money on the circle of friends to buy mattresses, quilt and other supplies for the church.Someone soon responded that the Chinese Church of the American Church gave him 30,000 yuan (about S $ 5744), and some people donated clothes, van and so on.

Seeing that the children had to avoid the sound of artillery and alarm every day when they heard the sound of artillery bullets and alarms. Ke Yi decided to teach the children to paint in the air -raid cave, hoping to give them some psychological comfort.This is also related to Ke Yi's own growth experience.He was not prominent when he was studying when he was a child. There were many problems in the village. Which teacher or villagers were good to him, he remembered.

Ke Yi, a 37-year-old Chinese student in the Ph.D. in Lavorv, Ukraine, has been intermittently taught children to paint children in the basement of the Lavov church after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War.(Provided by the respondent)

"When I was particularly difficult, I gave me hope like an angel, and gave me a little light. I taught children to paint, and I also hope to give them some help. War is a double -sided mirror.The beauty and the most vicious side came out, depending on what kind of person I was going to do. I don't think I am a particularly noble person. "

Ke Yi, who had nothing to know about social media software, was a self -media reporter at the end of August 2022. It used a video of the current situation of Ukrainian life under Weibo and Twitter to release the current situation of Ukraine.To 200,000.

The reward by netizens gave Ke Yi a lot of money.He uses the good funds to fund the children of Hermone and Laviff.After Ukraine recovered Hermone in November 2022, Ke Yi asked the church to distribute food to the local family and deposit with photos and videos.He went to Hermuson to visit his family every month to understand what help they need.Children cannot attend classes because of the war. Ke Yi provided $ 500 (about S $ 660) to the teenager of the Hermuson church every month to let them learn English and music.

Chinese student Ke Yi who studying in Ukraine in Ukraine in Hulson helped to distribute food to local residents.(Provided by the respondent)

I asked Ke Yi, how much money did I raise money through the social media platform?He said straightforwardly: "1.3 million yuan." After a few seconds of pause, he said, "This one goes out, and it is estimated that many people will start scolding me for corruption." I thought that Ke Yi would ask me not to mention the number.He then said firmly: "I think you can write this. The moment we talk is 1.3 million yuan." Our interview was conducted on December 3, 2023.

Some of the funds raised by Ke Yi come from Weibo to reward the Chinese social media platform.He said that many Chinese netizens did not leave a message, and they sent him a message privately, and disappeared after the transfer was transferred.Ke Yi regards himself as a bond of China -Ukraine. The kind Chinese pass the love and blessings to the Ukraine through him. "Not all Chinese people support the aggression war, not all Chinese people do not love peace. They areI want me to convey such a sound. "

Ke Yi admits that he is not afraid of artillery shells, nor has he never thought about returning to China, but his determination to return to China is never firm.Once he was invited to the Netherlands to participate in the sharing session, where he stayed there for a long time.He knew that Ukraine under the war was particularly difficult, because the Ukraine helped him, and he wanted to repay the kindness.

Ke Yi said: "Chinese traditional culture education knows the grace and loves peace. This is a very good quality. There are always many people in the icing on the cake, and there are very few charcoal in the snow.People who helped me, including before the outbreak of the war, Ukraine friends drove me to find the best dentist, they helped me contact the school, and the church also helped me a lot. "

The interview timeout, we walked to the street to say goodbye, and continued to talk while walking.Ke Yi had to take a taxi to the next appointment. After he highly recommended it, he experienced how deep it was to dig the Kiev subway station alone.Watching the strong back of the Chinese youth left, I seemed to see the beam of light of the chivalrous spirit written in Jin Yong's writing, swaying in the snow.

(Ukraine Notes Six 5)