If 2023 is a year when artificial intelligence (AI) changes everything, then 2024 may be a year for the US copyright law to change artificial intelligence.

The explosive development of artificial intelligence and the products of OpenAI, Meta Platforms, and Midjourney supported by Microsoft's products are very popular, leading to a series of copyright lawsuits by writers, artists and other copyright owners. They claimed artificial intelligenceSuccess is completely due to their work.

So far, the judges have been skeptical of the infringement claims proposed by the plaintiff based on the content of artificial intelligence.However, the court has not solved a more tricky and possible value of billions of dollars, that is, artificial intelligence companies use a large number of images, texts and other data from the Internet to train their systems to constitute large -scale infringement.

Technology companies warn that these lawsuits may bring huge obstacles to the booming artificial intelligence industry.The plaintiff pointed out that these companies use their works without permission or compensation.

** Litigation case **

Several groups of writers have filed a collective lawsuit in using their text in artificial intelligence training.

Visual artists, music publishers, picture library providers Getty Images, and New York Times and other copyright owners have also filed similar lawsuits.

They all believe that technology companies have obtained and copied their materials for artificial intelligence training without permission, infringing their copyrights.The plaintiff requested financial compensation and asked the court to order to prevent their research results from being abused.

** Defense **

Technology companies have hired a large number of lawyers from several largest law firms in the United States to fight lawsuits.In their opinions submitted to the US Copyright Administration, they defended their artificial intelligence training, compared them with the way of learning new concepts of human beings, and argued that they were "reasonable" stipulated in the copyright law.

Meta said to the Copyright Administration: "Just like children learn language (words, grammar, syntax, sentence structure) in the same day, songs in bedtime, songs in the radio, and songs in the radio.Learn 'language. "

Supporters of artificial intelligence also believe that the unfavorable ruling will have a catastrophic impact on the industry. They believe that the industry has always rely on the reasonable assumptions of the copyright law to protect its data processing.

Silicon Valley venture capital company Andreessen HOROWITZ said: "Import the cost of actual or potential copyright liability to the creator of the artificial intelligence model, or it will be stifled or seriously hinders its development."

But the copyright owner pointed out that these companies have achieved great success on artificial intelligence projects and said they have leisure money.

** What will happen next **

One of the first important vanes of artificial intelligence copyright issues in

Thomson Reuters may be one of the first important vane.

Thomson Reuters accused Ross Intelligence illegally copying thousands of "HEADNOTE" on the Westlaw Legal Research Platform of Thomson Reuters to train a legal search engine based on artificial intelligence -based legal search engines.

A federal judge ruled in September that the case must be tried to determine whether the Ross Intelligence was illegal.This case may create an important early precedent for the reasonable use of artificial intelligence copyright litigation and other issues.