The sexual assault case of the late American businessman Epustein has released the document again a few days ago, revealing the list of personnel associated with Epustein, as many as 100 people.Former President Clinton, Prince Andrew of the United Kingdom, and other celebrities and businessmen were listed.

Many media reports that the New York District Court has recently disclosed documents about the Emperor's sexual assault case, as many as 900 pages.The document revealed the relationship between Epustein and many celebrities and business celebrities, but did not propose new major allegations, nor did it reveal Epastein's associates.

Decrypted files derived from the case of the victim's Virginia Guiffre charged with the case of Epnstein's girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell.Maxwell was imprisoned for assisting her boyfriend to deceive the prostitution of minor girls.

In 2015, the "Epustein" was exposed by the media.According to reports, Epustein and his girlfriend Maxwell made his private islands in the Caribbean into a "adult park".

In July 2019, Edistan was arrested for suspected trafficking and sexual assault.On August 10 of the same year, he died at the Manhattan City Disciplinary Center in New York City.Forensic doctors finally judged his "suicide", but the outside world had a "conspiracy theory" conjecture from the cause of death from time to time.

Bloomberg summarized the well -known figures in the 40 decryption documents so far, including the magician Coppfel, the late pop star Jackson, Prince Andrew in the United Kingdom, former US President Clinton, late physics scienceJiajin, and actor Stati.

New York Judge Loretta Preska pointed out that many people on the list have been identified by the media or in Maxwell's criminal trial.She said that many people did not objection to public documents.Based on the consideration of the identity of the victim, she ordered some names.

Johanna Sjoberg, a victim of Epanstein case, recalled that he had seen Jackson in his home in Elitsan Florida, and he saw Coppofel at a dinner at the Emansan family.Coppofir asked her, "Do you know that girls will get paid by looking for other girls"; she does not accuse Cobofel of criminal acts.

Jackson has died for many years.The reporter failed to get in touch with Kobefel.

Sheberg also said that Prince Andrew in the UK put her hand on her chest during a puppet photo in Epustein's house."Then I sat on Andrew's legs -I believed in their will -they held the puppet's hand and put it on Virginia's chest, so Andrew also put his hand on my chest." The British police said on Friday (January 5) that after the document of the Emperor's sexual assault case was announced this week, a new investigation has not been launched on allegations related to Prince Andrew.Bloomberg said that Andrew reached civil reconciliation with Yuteli in 2022.

Former US President Clinton is also a big focus of discussion on public opinion in this case.Since Clinton's photos and records of Apustein's private aircraft travel have been exposed, his relationship with Epustein has caused a lot of speculation.

Uvery told reporters that she had dinner with Clinton's villas in the Virgin Islands in Elintein, but did not accuse him of doing any improper behavior.In the uninteresting testimony mentioned in the decrypted document, she mentioned that Clinton's "lightly poke" the girl's face next to her, and published a "mean comment" on them.

According to a decryption document, Schberg also said in a testimony that Epustein told her that "Clinton likes young (female), refers to (older) girls."

Clinton's spokesman mentioned his 2019 statement, claiming that he had never been to the residence of the Virgin Islands in Elistan, and knew nothing about Epastein's terrible crimes.Clinton did go to Europe, Asia, and Africa four times in Elinstein's private planes.

BBC reported that Clinton took an airplane in Elistan in Africa for so -called humanitarian travel in the early 2000s.At that time, he praised Epustein as a firm charity, but later he claimed that he had a relationship with Epustein.

Clinton said in a 2019 statement that when he took the special plane of Epustein, the staff and supporters of his charity Clinton Foundation accompanied him.

He said in a statement: "His special service officer participated in every trip each trip."

Epustein made every effort to attract power to enter his social circle, many of them claimed to regret contacting him now.

Among the people, former US President Trump has also attracted special attention.

Sheberg said that during a private plane in Epnstein, the plane had to land in the Atlantic City of New Jersey. At the time, Elistan said that "it is great, we will call Trump" and go to the casinoEssence

Trump has not responded to the latest documents, but it has previously stated that he has "noisy" with Epustein and is not "Epustein's fans."

There are no improper behaviors in the file.In court, Sheberg was asked if he had massaged Trump, and she replied, "No."

In the list of more than a hundred people announced this week, some or others have raised allegations or potential witnesses.It is expected that more documents will be disclosed in the next few days.

Some media said that the death of Epustein has left too many unsolved mysteries, especially the severity of his crimes with other criminals has not been fully examined.The social impact caused by this malignant case has not yet disappeared, and this case has also been regarded by public opinion as a typical case of "covering the evil with power".

Hamilton, chief executive of non -profit organization "American Children", believes that with the publicity of court documents, more personnel involved will be filed in the future, especially in New York City.

Not long ago, New York has extended the traceability period of sexual assault cases through legislation and extended the case that had been "expired" to March 2025.The media speculated that the list announced by the court is likely to include other well -known politicians or wealthy merchants.