Palestine's radical organization Hamas Monday (October 30) released a video of three femininity.On the same day, Israel said that the Israeli army rescued a female soldier held in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas large-scale raid Israel on October 7th , Away from more than 200 hostages, only four women's hostages have been released so far.

Reuters reports that the three women's nature that appeared in Monday videos has been confirmed that it is Ylena Trupanob, Danielle Aloni, and Rimon Kirsht, three threePeople sit on the chair by the wall.Arini, who was sitting in the middle, accused the camera anger and accused Negana's loss, failed to protect Israeli citizens, and failed to rescue them.

Arony said: "You should have rescued all of us. You promise to let us be released. But we will suffer from your failure of politics, security, military, and diplomacy here."

She called on the Israeli government to reach an agreement with Hamas to release Palestinian prisoners in exchange for hostages.

Nei Tanahu issued a statement that he reiterated that he would do his best to bring the hostages home and reprimand Hamas's hostages videos as "cruel psychological tactics."

Neutana said: "Harhaas, who have been committed to war. My heart is with you, and our hearts are with you and other captives. We are doing all our efforts,So as to take everyone's hostages and missing persons home. "

Arony's father told reporters that when he saw the daughter in the video, his heartbeat almost stopped, and he was shocked, but he was relieved because his daughter was still alive.

He said that Arony and five other members of the family were taken away by Hamas, including a 3 -year -old twin grandson.

On the other hand, Israel said on Monday that the Israeli army rescued an Israeli female soldier during the ground attack on the Gaza Strip.

Megidish (middle) was rescued, and the family was very happy.(Reuters)

The rescued female soldiers were Ori Megidish and were abducted by Hamas Gunners in the southern Israel community on October 7.The Israeli military said that Megidish received a medical examination and "good situation."

The video released by Hamas Monday is the second hostage video.Hamas released , about 2111, about 211The year old Frenchman Israel, Mia Schem.

According to the latest statistics of Israel, Hamas held at least 239 hostages when attacking in southern Israel on October 7. In addition to Israeli citizens, there are also foreigners.