Israeli Communication Minister Shloma Karhi said that Aljazeera stimulated his kiss Hamas's remarks, making Israeli soldiers face potential attacks from Gaza.

Reuters reported that Calchy said on Sunday (October 15) that the incident had been reviewed by Israeli security officials.Essence

Neither the Peninsula TV station and the Qatar government have not immediately commented.

Karch said to the Israeli Army Broadcasting Station that the Peninsula TV has institutional sensitivity and is a "TV station of shooting (Gaza periphery) assembly zone" and is a "propaganda media" that incite against Israeli citizens.

He pointed out that the information of the Hamas spokesman was spread through the Peninsula TV station, which is unreasonable. "I hope we will be able to end this matter today."

Reuters said that it is unclear whether Karch said the "knot". Whether it refers to the completion of the cabinet discussion or the closure of the Peninsula TV station.

Online information shows that Peninsula TV is an international television media based on the capital of Qatar's capital. In 1996, the Peninsula Media Group, which was funded by the Qatar royal family.

Reporters from Peninsula TV are from Arab countries and have a total of 25 journalists worldwide.Due to the scope of broadcasting all over the world, Peninsula TV is regarded as the most influential Arab media in the world.