The battle between Israel and Hamas entered the eighth day. A large number of military tanks and armored chariots gathered on Saturday (October 14) in southern Israel City Ashkelon.nearby.Under the warning of Israel, the thousands of Palestinians fled to the southern part of Kasha on the same day to seek asylum.(Agence France -Presse)

After the Palestinian radical organization Hamas launch the big offensive that Israel launched before, the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu vowed to kill the militants.However, experts and scholars generally believe that it is almost impossible for Israel to build Hamas.Israel will face long -term hard fighting. If the contradiction between Pakistan will not resolve, there will be no peace.

James Dorsey, a senior researcher at the Middle East issue expert and a senior researcher at the Nanyang University of Technology, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the great counterattack of Israeli shows that it is determined to destroy Hamas.In the Mediterranean support, it also shows that the United States supports Israel."But even so, this will be an extremely difficult battle, because Hamas has hostages in hand. In addition, the ground battle is mostly connected with short soldiers in the alley, and the casualty rate must be high."

Dr. Mustafa, a senior lecturer in the University of National University, believes that despite Israel's military strength, it is still difficult to erase Hamas.(Provided by the respondent)

Dr. Mustafa Izzuddin, a senior lecturer in the National University of Singapore, told the United Zard that the fact that Israel has been unable to destroy Hamas for so many years.This time, Hamas should still survive in Israel's violent counterattack with guerrilla tactics, and Israel would eventually destroy Hamas.

He also said: "As long as the Pakistani conflict is not resolved, the Gaza Strip continues to be blocked by the Israeli government, and Hamas will continue to exist."

Professor Liao Zhenyang, Dean of the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences of Nanyang University of Technology, said in an interview that Israel may want to take a forever and for all, but they cannot do it."If they want to eliminate Hamas, then a long -term battle must be launched, but this will only further irritate the Palestinians. This means that a new generation of Hamas sympathizers will appear. Whether they will be true in the future whether they will be true in the futureCalled yourself as Hamas. "

Israel faces a long and hard battle in Gaza

According to data from the National Security Institute of Jewish Institute, after the Garronic War in 2021, Hamas and another Muslimal Territory of the Military Organization still retained 40 % of the missile inventory, that is, about 1,1750 missiles.With these, Hamas can cause considerable harm to Israel.

Tom Beckett, director of the Middle East Research Department of the British Institute of Strategy (IISS), also believes that Israel has no good options in Gaza."No matter how successful it is to fight Hamas this time, Hamas’s political mission and the public's support for resistance (Israel) will continue. Israel either resumes Gaza and controls it, or withdraws the troops after the attack.Land for the resistance. "

Hamas's key members are all over the Middle East Lebanon and Qatar and other countries, but the power foundation is still in Gaza.In addition to Hamas, other Palestinian factions and armed organizations such as the Lebanese Allapon have advanced weapons, and they are also inconspicuous for Israel.

Berkt said that even if the Israeli National Defense Forces decided to send a large -scale garrison to control Gaza, it has to continue to prevent threats from the west bank of the Jordan, southern Lebanon, and Syria, which will cause its military power to be decentralized.It will soon be stretched."So, this will be a long and arduous war."

The United States suggests that Israel must be restrained

Some analysts believe that although Israel is trying to fight Hamas, the backing United States does not want Israel to do too much, but will have a certain degree of restraint on Israel.

Senior Researcher Doisi, a senior researcher at the Nanda Razel South International Research Institute, said both Israel and Hamas have killed red eyes, and both sides ignore the casualties of life, which is worrying.(Provided by the respondent)

Duoxi said that the US President Biden recently mentioned the "Rules of Battle", which implies that Israel should be restrained and cannot blindly resort to killing.He pointed out that both Israel and Hamas have been red, and Hamas's terrorist attack ignores the lives of Israeli people, and Israel's revenge is ignoring the safety of the Palestinian civilians. This situation is worrying.

He believes that Hamas can restrict the offensive in military facilities and personnel attacking Israel to achieve their goals, rather than starting a terrorist killing similar to the Islamic State.Similarly, Israel can choose to clearly clear Hamas, instead of bombing the Gaza Strip into ruins.

Hamas wants the conflict to expand

Nowadays, the international community is worried that the conflict of Pakistani will expand and spill. Once it is true, the situation will definitely be more difficult to clean up.Domas said Israel would not want to expand the conflict, but Hamas was the opposite."American aircraft carriers come to the Mediterranean to prevent Iran. But I don't think Iran will intervene, Lebanon does not want to be rolled in.It is an agent war. "

Musafa, a Chinese university, believes that the Pakistani conflict requires third countries such as Egypt as a mediation person to achieve ceasefire and exchange prisoners of war."Any Western countries including the United States should not directly intervene in the conflict, because they may be regarded as a parting side, and domestic public opinion in these countries is unlikely to support the country that can be involved in a conflict that may cause casualties."

Professor Liao Zhenyang, Dean of the Chinese Academy of Humanities, Art and Social Sciences, pointed out that the international community should pay attention to changes in the relationship between Israel and Arab countries.(Photo by Tang Jiahong)

South University Liao Zhenyang said that how the situation would evolve next, no one knows."People worry that Iran and Lebanon's Allah may take advantage of this opportunity to join the battle at a certain point in time. If the conflict expands, the problem will make the problem more complicated and difficult to solve. It is unclear what other Arab countries will take."

He pointed out that another point of attention from all walks of life is whether the deterioration of the situation will weaken the continuous efforts of normalization between Israel and Arab countries, especially when Arab society has begun publicly criticizing Israel.

Before Hamas attacked Israel, Biden wasIt is a question to vigorously promote Israel to improve relations with Saudi Arabia. Whether the peace talks between the two countries are invalidated.