The US government revealed that North Korea has delivered more than 1,000 container's military equipment and ammunition to support Russia's war on Ukraine.This means that North Korea has provided weapons assistance to Russia before the Russian leader talks in September.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kerbiri released three satellite pictures on Friday (October 13), and said: "According to information, North Korea has provided more than 1,000 container military equipment and ammunition to Russia in recent weeks."

According to satellite pictures, about 300 containers are concentrated in Luojin Port, North Korea on September 7th or 8th., And then passed through the railway, arrived at the Jihlezk ammunition library on October 1.The ammunition library is only about 300 kilometers away from Ukraine.

The White House said that North Korea's military equipment and ammunition were transported to Russia through ships and trains, and in recent weeks, it has transported more than 1,000 container weapons, equipment and ammunition to Russia.

It is understood that the date of the satellite shooting Luojin Port was September 7, Kim Jong -un set off to Russia on September 10, North Korean weapons arrived in Russia on September 12, and the head of the North Russia was the next day (13Day) Hold.This means that before North Korean leader Kim Jong -un set off to Russia, North Korea had provided weapons to Russia, and North Korea's weapons had reached the Russian port one day before the talks about Russia.

The outside world had speculated that North Russia may discuss military cooperation plans such as weapons transactions, etc. at the head talks. I did not expect that the two countries had already made arrangements for weapon transactions.

In addition, the White House condemned North Korea for military equipment to attack Ukrainian cities, kill civilians, and strengthen the Russian illegal war.The White House believes that North Korea, as a weapon aid, may hope to obtain a fighter, ground -to -air missile, armored vehicle, tractial production equipment or cutting -edge technologies from Russia, Russia may have transported some supplies through ships.

The White House said that in the future, we will continue to disclose the weapon trading between Russia and Russia and take sanctions.

Voice of America also analyzes the picture report taken by satellites on the 12th. As of from the end of August to mid -October this year, large ships stopped at the Rubina Port in North Korea at least four times.There are also cranes that seem to carry the container next to the ship.This is extremely rare.

Zhao Hanyan, a senior research committee member of the South Korean Unified Research Institute, said that on July 25, when the Russian Defense Minister Shohgou led the DPRK, North Korea and Russia may have signed an ammunition supply agreement.