(Ramla Comprehensive) The Israeli military said that the Palestinian radical organization Hamas launched a raid last week to burn and loot in the border city of the southern Israel.And signs of other atrocities.

About 1300 remains have been transported to a military base in Ramla, central Israel, and a forensic examination by the expert group to determine the identity and death of the deceased.

Reuters reported that the former Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army Rabbiisrael Weiss said on Saturday (October 14) that about 90 % of the death soldiers have been confirmed, and the identity recognition of the victims has been completed half.Many remains show signs of abuse and sexual assault.

Captain Maayan, a military dentist, said that these victims were severely abused, "gunshot wounds, and signs of abuse torture."

A preparatory captain Avigayil said: "We see the remains of the arms and legs cut off, we also see the headless corpse, and the child beheaded."

She also added that she also found a sexual assault after the autopsy.These remains have been stored in refrigerated containers.

However, these officers and military doctors did not provide any evidence such as photos and forensic records during the interview.Hamas, who controls the Gaza Strip, denies the abuse of allegations.

According to Agence France-Presse, the Military Sunday (15th) said that Hamas Commander Billy Al-Kedra, who had launched an attack on the community of the southern Israel.He died in an air strike in Khanisis, southern Gaza on Saturday night.

Ali Qadi, who led a commando in Hamas attack, also died in the air strike of the day.

The military issued a statement saying that Hamas and Islamic jihad terrorists were also killed during the night attack of fighters.