(Moscow Comprehensive) Russian President Putin said Russia may restore nuclear tests and may revoke the ban on nuclear test treaties.Putin's nuclear weapons intimidation will exacerbate the world's concerns about the possible upgrade of nuclear weapons.

Putin on Thursday (October 5) in the Black Sea Resort Sochi to attend the Russian Think Tank Walai International Debate Club Annual Meeting also revealed that Russia has successfully tested the BUREVESTIK nuclear power cruise missile, but did not explain the time.Haiyan can carry a nuclear warhead with a range of 20,000 kilometers. It is launched at any place in Russia and can crack down on the targets of the United States.

Putin also said that Russia has completed the development of the new generation of Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles, and then mass production can mass production of 10 or more nuclear warheads that can carry 10 or more nuclear warheads.

However, Putin said that Russia has not been threatened by nuclear, and there is no need to change Russia's use of nuclear military policies in the early years."Do we need to change this? Everything can be changed, but I don't think it is necessary ... I don't think anyone with a sound brain and clear memory will not think of the use of nuclear weapons for Russia."

He revealed that he heard that he had heard about the domestic hardliners in Russia to start nuclear tests to send strong information to the Western enemies.These hardliners have previously called on Putin to pass the nuclear test to let the West know that Russia has lost patience to their continued support for Ukraine and unwilling to negotiate.

Russian political scholar Karaganov, Russian political scholar, asked Putin at the conference on Thursday. He hoped that Russia would take a more tough nuclear position and ask Putin if Putin should reduce the nuclear threshold and make Western countries awake.

Putin pointed out that the United States has signed a comprehensive ban on nuclear test treaties, but the US Congress has not yet approved the treaty, and Russia has signed and approved the treaty.Putin replied: "I have not determined whether it really needs to conduct nuclear tests, but theoretically, we may take the same practice as the United States ... Theoretically, Congress can withdraw approval."

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov explained to reporters on Friday that the revocation of Russia's approval of the Treaty of the Treaty of the Treaty of the Treaty of the Treaty of the Treaty is equal to the purpose of Russia and the United States, instead of indicating intention to restore the nuclear test.

Peskov said, "(Putin) what does the president mean? His meaning is to balance the truth. A long time ago, we signed and approved, but the United States did not approve it. In order to make the two countries be in the same state,The president proposed the possibility of revocation of approval. (Congress Speaker) Volokin is ready to do so. This does not mean that we will conduct nuclear tests. "

On September 10, 1996, the UN General Assembly passed a comprehensive ban on the nuclear test.From 1945 to 1996, there were more than 2,000 nuclear trials in global nuclear countries, of which 1032 times in the United States and 715 times in the Soviet Union.

Putin announced in February this year that it has suspended the performance of the New Start (New Start). After the United States, the United States announced that it will stop the data with Russia's interoperability at the end of March, and the reduction of nuclear bombs has fallen into a deadlock.New Start is the last military control treaty in the United States and Russia.At the time of the current tension between the West and Russia, Russia's restoration of nuclear trials will exacerbate tensions.

Putin said that Russia has overcome Western hegemony sanctions

Russia was strongly sanctioned by the West because of the invasion of Ukraine and increasingly isolated. Putin accused Western countries of trying to erected new iron curtains and separated Russia from Europe.

But Putin insisted that Russia has overcome the challenges of Western sanctions. The national economy will be restored this year, and can cope with higher military expenditures to provide funds for the current and next war.The draft budget announced by the Russian government last month showed that by 2024, defense expenditures will account for nearly one -third of Russia's total expenditure.

Putin also said that Russia's mission is to create a "new world". In contrast, the West's goal is to establish "hegemony" globally.He said that under Western hegemonism, "they need the existence of enemies all the time."