(Washington Reuters) U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen pointed out that the United States has excessively relying on China in key supply chains, especially in clean energy products, the United States must expand the source of supply.

Yellen Tuesday (October 3) said in a speech at the CEO in Washington, saying that the United States excessively depends on China in important areas related to national well -being.But she reiterated that the United States does not want to decompose with China economically.She said that she was not a "firm believers" of industrial policy, but when the United States established a semiconductor industry through huge subsidies in other countries, the "sleeve watching" was too long.

Yellen pointed out that without a powerful semiconductor industry that belongs to its own, the United States will face national security concerns.She pointed out that the chip and science bill passed last year helped to reverse this trend.She said: "If we think that the abandonment of semiconductor manufacturing is a wise strategy for the United States, then we are deceiving ourselves."

Yellen visited China in July and was one of many senior American officials visiting China in recent months.The consent of the two countries agreed to maintain smooth communication channels.

Yellen: The strong inflation rate of the US labor market is controlled

In addition, Yellen also expressed his optimistic about the US economic prospects.She said: "In the short term, the labor market is very strong, and the short -term inflation rate is declining; in the middle period, we are conducting a very large -scale investment plan to strengthen our economy and improve our production capacity."

The expansion speed of GDP (GDP) is still much higher than the non -inflation growth rate of about 1.8 % (usually called "potential" growth rate).

The annualized growth rate of GDP in the second quarter of the United States was 2.4 %. It is estimated that the growth rate of this quarter was more than twice that of this number.

Yellenle sees Congress on weekends to avoid government stopping appropriation agreements on weekends.She pointed out before the members reached an agreement that the federal government's stopping was a "risk factor" of potential economic recession, saying that it would hurt American families and bring economic resistance.

Yellen also said that interest rates will return to a relatively normal level in the medium period.

When talking about artificial intelligence (AI), Yellen said that the progress of this field is "incredible" and may have an impact on productivity.