From the Cold War to the Cold War, to the current world full of uncertainty, Singapore needs different strategies and response plans in different times, but always adheres to pragmatic, open, and advocate international law as a way to face the world.

Zhang Zhixian, the Minister of State and Minister of State, Zhang Zhixian, on the morning of Wednesday (October 4) at the opening conversation of the Asia Future Summit (ASIA FUTURE SUMMIT), explaining the guiding principles of small countries in the world pattern full of uncertain factors.

Zhang Zhixian said that since independence, Singapore has undergoing three principles as a guidance when dealing with the world, that is, to deal with the problem of pragmatic rather than ideological attitudes;The principles of international law and the United Nations Charter, especially respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty.

During the Cold War, many new and independent countries tended to protect their economy, but Singapore decided to open up the free market and realize industrialization through foreign direct investment.Some posterior colonialists criticized Singapore to welcome the former colonial master, but Singapore carefully planned these investments, introduced technology, opened up the market, and created employment. As a result, the rapid economic growth and transformation have also been learned in the process.

Singapore also draws on foreign experience in urban planning, airport management, industrialization, national defense and other aspects, and adjusts the plan according to its own real environment and resource adjustment.When there are few examples that can be used for reference, Singapore formulates a solution by itself.

He said: If anyone asks us, what is our ideological foundation?The answer is that we strive for pragmatic and feasible results to pay logic rather than ideology.In the sovereignty dispute, if someone asks Singapore's side?Zhang Zhixian said: The answer is the side of the United Nations Convention on the Law.

In the Cold War, globalization became a trend. Singapore must formulate new strategies and solutions, but the basic principles remain unchanged.Zhang Zhixian said that Singapore adheres to the pragmatic practice. When it is impossible to reach a global or regional agreement, it will create conditions with like -minded countries that can gradually approach these goals.

Nowadays, the world has entered a new era, the competition of various countries has been heated, China and the United States' strategic mutual trust have fallen into a historic trough, cruel warfare broke out in Europe, and the small country was also under pressure.

Zhang Zhixian emphasized that the small country cannot be self -proclaimed. A pragmatic response method must include a set of domestic and international rules to ensure that interests are enjoyed fairly, and when disputes inevitably occur, there is a mechanism for solving the power to resolve disputes.

Although Singapore is a small country, it also speaks and proposes innovation plans in global topics, gently promotes issues, and cooperates with other partners to affect and shape the development of international affairs.

This year's Asian Prospective Summit was co -organized by the three flagship newspapers under the New Newspaper and the Morning Post Strait Times Commercial Times, and it was held on Wednesday to Thursday (October 4th to 5th).The event invited more than 20 Singapore and international dignitaries, well -known scholars and business leaders to explore geopolitics, economic and social issues related to Singapore and Asia.

This year's summit takes the opportunity of Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew's century -old birthday. The theme is to review the worldview of the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew: discuss how Singapore and Asia build the future in the turbulent era, and strive to understand the dialogue of thinking, promote the current turbulence and uncertainty of the current turmoil and uncertainty.Times, and explore the road for Singapore and Asia.