The Philippine Coast Guard on Wednesday (October 4)It is said that when a Philippine fishing vessels were worn by a foreign merchant ship with unknown foreign merchant ships when wearing the China Sea of Vietnam, three fishermen on the fishing vessels died.

Reuters reported that the incident occurred on Monday (2nd).At the time of the incident, the Philippine fishing boat was sailing at 157 kilometers northwest of the Skobel Shakyan (known as Huangyan Island).After the fishing boat sank, 11 crew members were rescued.

The Philippine Coast Guard Incident did not make many explanations, nor did it provide detailed information about the offering of the merchant ships.

On September 25, the Philippine Coast Guard was demolished by the Philippine President President Marcos and the South China Sea Special Working Group, which dismantled the 300s erected by the Chinese Maritime Police on the southeast of Skobler's shallow beach.Mi floating barrier, and the relationship between the two countries was tense again.

The Philippines refers to the "Philippine territory's inseparable part of the territory". The floating barrier is "harmful to navigation safety, clarifies to violate international law, and hinders the fishing of fishermen to maintain their livelihood."

The sovereignty of the South China Sea has a long history. Mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, and Vietnam have all voiced the South China Sea or all sovereignty.

The "2023 Edition China Standard Map" released by China on August 28 shows that the "ten sections" marked in China cover 90 % of the South China Sea, and some of the exclusive economy of multiple Southeast Asian countriesThe area is stacked.The new map is different from the "nine -segment line" map submitted to the United Nations in 2009. It has a wider geographical range covered by the ten -segment line and includes Taiwan, which is similar to the Chinese map in 1948.

Scarberry shallow beach is located 240 kilometers west of Luzon Island, Philippines, about 900 kilometers from the nearest Chinese land Hainan Island.