(Bloomberg, Sydney) Campbell, commander of the Australian Defense Forces, said artificial intelligence (AI) may be used by hostile countries to strengthen false information, disrupt free democracy, and weaken the ability to curb military conflicts.

Angus Campbell said a speech at the Australian Institute of Strategic Policy Research, "The rapid maturity of AI technology means that ordinary people may not be able to distinguish between facts and fiction soon."

He warns that strategic competitors, including China, may no longer have the need to launch physical attacks, but directly conduct psychological blows.He therefore called for the impact of false information by strengthening education.

Before Campbell, many politicians in Australia, Britain and the United States had called on the government to strengthen the supervision of the development of AI.The Australian Labor government is evaluating whether it is necessary to formulate relevant regulations and may formulate new laws by the end of this year.

Campbell said that although the development of new AI technology can benefit the society, it has also made the hostors organic and use the AI manufacturing to make it increasingly damaged."In our overall society and in the community, establishing critical thinking ability is the first step to enhance public participation and master the truth."