The European Union recently announced that it will launch an anti -subsidy investigation on China's electric vehicle, which may lead to punitive tariffs on imported cars.Chinese issues in Germany pointed out that this may lead to economic war between China and the European Europe, and this new economic confrontation may only be losers.

The Chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin announced on Wednesday (September 13) in the European Parliament that this anti -subsidy survey against Chinese electric vehicles said that the price of Chinese electric vehicles was lowered by the huge state subsidies. "ThisTwisting our market. "

The special article on Sunday (17th) on Sunday (17th) pointed out that from the perspective of Germany, the time point of the EU policy announcement is particularly special, because the Munich International Auto Show has just ended, and almost half of the exhibition cars participate in the exhibition exhibitionMerchants are Chinese manufacturers, which also reflects the car industry's dependence on electric vehicles and then to China.

The article says that nearly one -third of the German automotive industry is sold in China, and many raw materials and components are purchased from China, such as batteries.The German automotive industry also adopts the situation in the Taiwan Strait with caution or no comments at all.

In addition, for some auto companies that have invested billions of investment in China, the punitive tariff problem is also a minefield.The article pointed out that Volkswagen, Marseille -Benz, Tesla and Ford and other companies are not only interested in China's rich raw materials, but also depend on the goodwill of political leadership in the Chinese factory.

The article says that German and European auto manufacturers are definitely hoping to curb the increasingly fierce competition from China, but experts warn the EU's punishment measures.

The head of the German Automotive Research Center, Ferdinand Dudenh? FFER, said that German companies sell 30%to 40%of cars in the Chinese market. In this case, the Germans will becomeThe primary goal of countermeasures.If Europe takes measures to import products in China, it can be expected that China will definitely respond; break with China will cause extremely serious damage to the German automotive industry.

Jochen Siebert, a car market consultant of JPW ASIA, also pointed out that German car companies exported a lot of high -profile cars to China with a price of more than 100,000 euros (about S $ 145,000)If China collects tariffs or take similar measures, it will seriously crack down on German manufacturers.French or Italian automakers produced and sold in China are much less, so it may be less affected; BMW, Porsche, Volkswagen and other car companies in Germany will be the first.

Hiber also pointed out that China's countermeasures may not necessarily affect the automotive industry, but may be carried out in other fields such as mechanical engineering.If the economic war broke out, everyone will be trapped in it, and in the end, there may be only losers.

He also pointed out that the European market is absolutely important for China, because it is basically the only main sales market for electric vehicles outside China, and China cannot simply switch to other regions such as Africa or South America, because the latter is almost almost an electric vehicle for electric vehicles almost almost to electric vehicles.There is no demand; in the US market, it becomes the government's eyes.

He emphasized that Feng Delin accused China of making huge sums of money to support motor manufacturers in order to quickly occupy the international market, which is undoubtedly correct.However, it cannot be said that China has a real dumping price.In addition, the European Union has also implemented billions of dollars of taxes in the form of subsidies for purchasing bonuses and battery factories or charging infrastructure.