(New Delhi Composite Electric) The United States and other countries have announced that they will cooperate to establish a new economic corridor. By connecting railways and ports in the Middle East and South Asia to strengthen the interconnection and economic integration of Asia, Arabia and Europe.Some analysts have pointed out that this ambitious plan is a measure to compete in China, which may have a wide impact on the geopolitical situation in South Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

The United States, Saudi Arabia, the European Union, India, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, and Italy signed a memorandum of understanding at the G20 Summit on September (September 9), and promised to cooperate in cooperation and constructionIndia-Middle East-European Economic Corridor (IMEC).

The White House statement says that IMEC's participants will meet in the next 60 days to formulate action plans and timetables.

According to a memorandum, IMEC will consist of the eastern corridor connecting India and Arabia, as well as the Arab Gulf and the northern corridor in Europe.This plan also includes a railway trunk line that supplements the existing maritime and highway transportation lines to provide reliable and cost -effective cross -border ship transport to the railway transportation network, which is convenient for goods and servicesCirculation between Europe.

Promote the Middle East economy to get rid of fossil fuel dependence

Powering power and data cables along the railway will be laid to pipes with cleaning hydrogen, which is expected to promote the dependence of fossil fuels in the Middle East economy.

U.S. President Biden described that this historic plan is a "real event", which will connect the ports of the two continents to promote the stability, prosperity and integration of the Middle East.Feng Delin, chairman of the European Commission, described that IMEC is not just a railway or cable, but a "green digital bridge that crosses the mainland and civilization."

French President Macron pointed out that the agreement will provide more opportunities for manufacturing, innovation activities and people.He emphasized that participating countries now need to work hard to achieve the plan to ensure that specific results are achieved.

After opening, India's European trade speeds up to 40 %

According to Jon Finer, Deputy Deputy State of the United States, this plan is beneficial to the low -income countries covering the region and can also play a key role in global business.It is estimated that after the opening of the IMEC, trade between India and Europe will speed up 40%.

Agence France -Presse analyzed that although the IMEC plan is mainly based on promoting trade, it may also affect geopolitics.At present, the Bayeng government is actively shaping the United States as a substitute partner and investor in developing countries to check the influence of the China Belt and Road Initiative.

Michael Kugelman, director of the South Asia Research Institute of Washington Think Tank, believes: "If it is implemented, the plan to compete with the Belt and Road Initiative will change the rules of the game and strengthen the connection between India and the Middle East."

Liu Zhongmin, a professor at the Middle East Research Institute of Shanghai Foreign Languages University, said in an interview with the Global Times that the United States may use this project to create a cooperation mechanism, but it is necessary to play a question mark to play a substantial role.He pointed out that in infrastructure and other fields, the Persian Gulf countries and China have gone far away, and it is impossible for the United States to form hedge in the short term.

helps the situation in the Middle East to cool down the conflict

IMEC also helps to promote the United States' goals in the Middle East, including possibly to promote Israel to restore contact with enemy Saudi Arabia.Funa said that the IMEC plan helps to cool down and resolve conflicts in the situation in the Middle East.

Israeli Prime Minister Neitanahu said on Saturday: "Israel will be the central hub in this economic initiative. Israel will contribute all its abilities and experiences, and strive to make this project the largest cooperation project in our history."Nei Tanahu revealed that Israel was invited to join a few months ago, and he believes that the plan will "reshape the Middle East."

This plan is also expected to restore the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia. The relationship between the two countries has signed a nuclear agreement with the United States and Iran and the 2018 Saudi journalist Kashuji worsen.