(Washington Composite Electric) The Chief of Staff of the US Air Force warned the Air Force to prevent the job opportunities provided by the Chinese military pilot training company.

Brown sent a letter to the US Air Force saying that if they or their colleagues they know are recruited to provide training for foreign armed forces, they should report to their superiors.The date of this letter is September 5th, and three days later circulated on the Internet.

Brown wrote: "(China) People's Liberation Army wants to use your knowledge and skills to fill the gap in its military capabilities ... Foreign companies are targeting and recruiting military talents in various fields and professional talents trained by the United States and NATO.In order to train the People's Liberation Army overseas. "

Brown pointed out that many US Air Force personnel who signed contracts with these foreign companies are responsible for training the Chinese Air Force coaches. Their behavior "erodes our national security", endangers the security of U.S. Air Force personnel, and "may be illegal."

Brown is the chairman of the new Chief of Staff of the U.S. Staff nominated by President Biden. This appointment is currently waiting for the Senate for approval.

The United States announced in June this year to implement export restrictions on the entity of recruiting American pilots for Chinese training pilots.Prior to that, some reports said that the Chinese military was recruiting experienced Western pilots to enhance the ability of the Chinese Air Force pilot to driving fighters at aircraft carriers. This ability can be used in handling when conflict between China and the United States.

Huajie Mei Do not abuse the reasons for national security to discredit related enterprises

In response to the US allegations, the Chinese embassy spokesman Liu Pengyu issued a statement saying that the Chinese government urged the United States to "respect the normal business activities of related companies, and don't generalize, abuse national security reasons to discredit related enterprises."

Liu Pengyu also said that in recent years, some US officials have accused China of China and discredited normal exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States, which is not conducive to the healthy development of Sino -US relations.