Reuters quoted anonymous EU officials that during the Leadership Summit of the G20 (G20) Group (G20), the discussion of the consensus declaration continued until the last moment. Before reaching consensus, the Russian and Ukraine War was the biggest issue of controversy.

This year's G20 summit The G20 countries have been working hard to seekConsensus on the Ukraine conflict.Western countries require countries to condemn Russia's aggression against Ukraine, while Russia said it would reject any resolutions that did not reflect Russia.

The participating countries passed a joint statement of leaders on Saturday (September 9th), but The issue of the war of the Russia and Ukraine , but emphasized that "all countries" should "avoid threats to force or use force to seek territories and infringe on the territorial integrity and sovereignty or political independence of any country."This is with Last statement reached last year's G20 Bali Summit The word "war" has different words.


Declaration also called for the implementation of the Black Sea Food Foreign Transportation Agreement to ensure the safety circulation of food, food and fertilizer in Ukraine and Russia.However, the EU officials said that Russia did not mention the Black Sea Food Agreement.

Russia has announced the withdrawal agreement in July after Russia has repeatedly criticized the Russian food agreement on the Black Sea Food Agreement. At present, Turkey and the United Nations have continued to participate in coordination, and the expected agreement can resume effective.

According to earlier reports, Ukrafe was dissatisfied with the joint statement of the G20 head, saying that the statement did not clearly mention Russia's "aggression" in Ukraine.Ukrainian thanked "those partners who tried to use tough wording in the declaration", but "in terms of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, G20 Nothing worthy of pride ".

In addition, this year's joint declaration is said to have differences on the issue of rotating chairman's country.The Financial Times quoted two sources who had a declaration of the declaration of the declaration that Chinese diplomats had demanded that the United States deleted the United States as the rotating chairman of 2026.

Western countries, including Britain, oppose this move by China.The final version of the declaration still shows that the United States will serve as the G20 round of chairman in 2026.The rotating chairman of 2024 is Brazil, and South Africa will take over in 2025.