The number of victims of the 7.2 strong earthquake in Morocco climbed to 2012, and 2059 were injured.The Morocco royal family announced a three -day national condolences.

Reuters reported that Morocco National Television Station Sunday (September 10) quoted a statement from the Ministry of the Interior that the 7.2 strong earthquake on Friday (8th) had killed 2012 and injured 2059 people, of which 1404 were 1,404 peopleThe injury is serious.

occurred at 11:11 on the 8th (Singapore time time (Singapore time (Singapore time (Singapore time At 6:11 am on the 9th), the epicenter was in the IGHIL in the Gaoshan Mountains.About 19 minutes of a strong earthquake occurred, a magnitude 4.9 aftershock occurred.

According to Agence France -Presse, Morocco King Mohammed VI announced on Saturday in a statement that the three -day national condolences were announced in the statement, during which the nation's public places were mourned.

After listening to the report of the disaster, Mohammed VI ordered an immediately set up a committee to be responsible for emergency deployment of post -disaster reconstruction and aid work, and properly settled the affected people, especially orphans and vulnerable groups.In addition, he also ordered to provide and lodger and all other basic needs to those in need. At the same time, set up a special account in the Central Bank to accept assistance donations.

This is the worst earthquake in Morocco since 1960.After the strong earthquake, Mourning and condolences to the victims .

Indian Prime Minister Modi said at the opening ceremony of the G20 (G20) New Delhi Summit on Saturday that the entire international community is with Morocco at this difficult time, and countries are ready to provide all possible assistance at any time.

France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Turkey, China, and EU leaders have also made sincere condolences to the people of the Morocco earthquake.

The Red Cross and the Crescent International Federation (IFRC) said on Saturday that the response to the fatal strong earthquake in Morocco may last for several months or even years.The rescue team of the Moroccan Crescent Moon will provide emergency assistance, psychological assistance, and participating in the transfer of wounded.

IFRC emphasized that the next 24 to 48 hours is the golden time to save life. Search and rescue work must not only find survivors, but also ensure that the rescuers have been properly taken care of.