The British police arrested a 20 -year -old man in the crime of spy. The British media claimed that he was a researcher at the British Parliament and was suspected of working in China.

Reuters quoted the British Sunday Times Saturday (September 9) reported that the British police arrested two men on March 13 this year, in their 30s and 20 years.strip.The two were arrested in Oxford County and Edinburgh, England.

The 20 -year -old man reportedly reported to be a British Parliament researcher and had contact with the Political Conservatives during his work.Several members who were linked to him "mastered secret or highly sensitive information."Among them, Tom Tugendhat, Minister of Security, and Alicia Kearns, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Commons.

Kahnes said on Saturday on Saturday's social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter), saying that it would not comment on the incident, and emphasized that any official work should be ensured that it should not be affected.

It is reported that the Minister of Security Torgan had no contact with the council researcher before he served as the British Security Minister in September last year.

It is reported that the researcher is a British citizen who has worked in international policies such as relations with Beijing and worked in China earlier.

Sunday Times quoted the police statement that the London Police Department's counter -terrorism department was still investigating the relevant situation.Bai Hall sources said that this is China's "one major upgrade" and "we have never seen such a thing before."

Tangning Street refused to comment on safety issues.

Reuters said that if there is clear evidence to confirm that the researcher is indeed involved in spy behavior, this will be one of the most serious security vulnerabilities involving hostile countries in the British Parliament.

Five Military Intelligence (MI5) of the British Intelligence Agency warned last year that the Chinese government agent named Christine Lee "represented the CCP for political intervention activities and contacted members of the British Parliament."

In July of this year, the British House of Commons Intelligence and Security said that China is "a large and positive" target of Britain, while the British government does not have "resources, professional skills or knowledge" to deal with this issue.