(Moribrahima Composite) Morocco has experienced the largest earthquake in decades.300,000, as of Sunday, the number of deaths increased to more than 2,000.The rescue team managed to enter the remote areas and find the missing person buried under the ruins. The number of deaths will increase.

According to the latest data released by the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior Sunday (September 10), the earthquake has killed at least 2012 people, and 2059 people were injured, of which 1404 were seriously injured.

Al-Haouz, where the earthquake is, has the largest number of deaths, reaching 1293.Followed by Taroudant, 452 people died.Morocco King Mohammed VI Saturday (9th) announced the three days of mourning across the country.

The strong earthquake came late at night on Friday (8th). The Moroccan Geophysical Center said that the earthquake level reached 7.2, but the US Geological Survey was scheduled to be 6.8.The epicenter is located in the IGHIL village of Ighil, about 71 kilometers southwest of Marrakech, a tourist city of Morra.

The earthquake may have destroyed all villages in the earthquake. The army and emergency service personnel have rushed to these remote mountain villages for help. I believe that many villagers have been trapped under the ruins of collapsed mud bricks.

Disaster's sleeping street life supplies shortage

Moulay Brahim, about 40 kilometers south of Malacaha, dug out the victims from the ruins from the ruins.A villager said: "We have lost their houses and loved ones. We have been on the ground for two days. There are no food, no water, no electricity."

Tafeghaghte, 60 kilometers southwest of Marrakash, was almost destroyed by the earthquake, leaving only a few buildings that did not collapse.

In Malaca, a bustling tourist destination, many residents sleep on the streets for two consecutive nights.Resident Sattill said they were sleeping outdoors because they were worried about the collapse of the house."Our house has cracks, other people's houses are destroyed, and the house like my daughter is razed to the ground."

Many people go to Malacaham Hospital to donate blood on Sunday to rescue the wounded.

The World Health Organization said that there are more than 300,000 earthquake victims.The Red Cross said that the reconstruction of the disaster area may take several years.

The Moroccan government has taken emergency measures to deal with the disaster, including sending more search and rescue teams, and providing drinking water, food, tents and blankets for the victims.

France, Israel, Italy, Spain, the United States and other countries have extended a helping hand to Morocco, indicating that once Morocco issued a formal request, they could send personnel and rescue materials to the disaster area.

Marrakeham was originally scheduled to host the Annual Meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank on October 9.Unknown whether the meeting will be held for the time being.