Saturday (September 9) is the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the administration of North Korea. Chinese official and Russian President Putin sent a congratulatory message to North Korean leader Kim Jong -un.

North Korea ’s Central Broadcasting Station reported on the same day that Chinese officials said in Congratulations that no matter how the international and regional situation changes, the development of traditional and friendly cooperation between China and North Korea has always been a firm policy for the Chinese party and the government.China is willing to strengthen strategic exchanges with the North Korea, deepen and pragmatic cooperation, promote the progress of China -DPRK relations and the times to achieve greater development, better benefit the people of the two countries, and make greater contributions to regional peace, stability and development.

Putin said that he firmly believes that Russia and the North Korea will work together to expand the bilateral connection in all aspects, which fully meets the interests of the people of the two countries and will also contribute to ensure the security and stability of the peninsula and Northeast Asia.He said that since the Soviet Union acknowledged "a new sovereign country on North Korea", Russian -DPRK relations have been based on friendly, good -neighborly, and mutual respect.The relationship between the two countries is based on the principles of friendship, good neighbors and mutual respect.