(New Delhi Composite Electric) The Group of 20th Group expands the lineup and officially accepts the addition of the African alliance to become a permanent member.The African Union is composed of 55 countries, with a total population of about 1.4 billion. The total GDP is US $ 3 trillion (about S $ 4.09 trillion). The addition of this regional organization will make the Group of 20.

The G20 (G20) summit Summit on Saturday (September 9) at New Delhi, the host Indian Prime Minister Modi announced that the African Union officially joined and invited the African Union's rotating chairman and President of Coros, Azumani.In the seats of G20 Summit .Before the African Union joined, the European Union was the only regional organization with official qualifications in G20.

The African Union attended the summit as an "invited international organization".Modi suggested that the African regional organization became a permanent member of the G20 in June this year. Now this proposal is implemented, highlighting the influence of India.

Modi's official account on the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) posted a post saying: "This will strengthen the G20 and will also enhance the voice of the southern world." He also said that the African Union allows this often different differences.The International Forum has become "the people's G20".

Analysis generally believes that Modi hopes to highlight India's international strength through this summit and make India be regarded as a spokesman for the Southern World.India is now striving to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

The leaders of the 20s through joint declarations

Before the summit was held, frequently rumored that the G20 member states would not be able to RussiaThe wording of the war reached a consensus, and it is likely that for the first time in 20 years, it was not unable to issue a joint statement.Surprisingly, the joint statement was finally released, avoiding the embarrassment that could not issue a joint statement.

This joint statement issued on Saturday night did not point out the war between Russia and Ukraine, only indicating that countries must avoid seizing the territory by force.

Statement said: "According to the United Nations Charter, all countries must avoid using force or use of force to seize territory and violate any country's territorial integrity, sovereignty or political independence."

The statement also said that "use or threatening the use of nuclear weapons is not allowed to use or threatened" during the Ukrainian war, and Call for restoration of the Black Sea Port Grain Foreign Transportation Agreement .

At the Bali Island Summit last year, the host Indonesia also compromised with various countries in the last minute of the Wuxi Words in the last minute to make a joint statement.

Both German Chancellor of the New Delhi Summit and British Prime Minister Sonak, who attended the New Delhi Summit, described that the joint statement was a "good result" and expressed support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

However, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not directly condemn Russia's dissatisfaction with other countries, saying that "G20 has no pride."

Gutres: The tension continues to heat up and has weakened each other repeatedly

The Russian and Ukraine War undoubtedly deepened the differences between countries around the world.The UN Secretary -General Gutres warned that the differences between the country continued to expand, causing the world to face the risk of conflict.

Gutres expressed his concerns in an interview with reporters on Friday (8th) in New Delhi."If we are indeed a global family, then we are more like a family disordered family today."

He said: "Differential expansion, tensions continue to heat up, and repeatedly weakened mutual trust. These have exacerbated the treacherous situation of division and will eventually form confrontation."

Gutres pointed out that there are deep differences in how G20 member states also have to help emerging countries in response to climate change.He warned: "Even in the calm and quiet years, this split has been deeply worried, and in our era, it means disaster."