(London / Beijing Composite Electric) Following the arrest of two men in the UK for suspected spy behavior, the Prime Minister Sonak met with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang at the sidelines at the G20 Summit in New Delhi, India, and expressed his "significant significant expression of Chinese democracy in the UK.Worry "."

British police reported on Saturday (September 9) that they arrested two men on the grounds of suspicion of violating Article 1 of the 1911 official Secret Act in 1911.

Suspected British Council researcher has been in contact with Minister of Security, Togen Hart

According to the Times of the Sunday, one of the 20 -year -old suspects were researchers at the British Parliament and were suspected of being engaged in spy activities in China.He is a British who is engaged in the relationship between international policy research, operations and Beijing, and has previously worked in China.

Sunak told the media that he could say limited to investigating, but he had told Li Qiang that "a strong concern for the act of interfering with the Democratic behavior of the British Parliament is obviously unacceptable."

It is reported that the above -mentioned suspects had contact with the Parliament of the Rules Conservative Party during his tenure as a parliament researcher, including the Security Minister Tonhardt and the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Commons.

If the evidence is conclusive, this will be one of the most serious security loopholes involving hostile countries in the British Parliament.

Five Military Intelligence in the UK's domestic intelligence institutions accused last year that a Chinese government, a Chinese government named Christina Lee, "represented the Chinese government to engage in political intervention activities and contact members of parliament."

In July of this year, the Intelligence and Security Committee of the House of Commons claimed that China was aiming at the United Kingdom "a lot of aggressive", while the British government did not have "resources, professional skills or knowledge" to deal with this issue.

For Li Qiang Sunak's meeting, Beijing reported unparassing spy charges

On the other hand, Li Qiang announced by the Chinese government and Sunak reported that they did not mention spy charges. Instead, China said that China welcomes the United Kingdom to continue to expand cooperation with China, and is willing to deepen trade, investment, green development, humanities and technology in the UKCooperation in areas.Li Qiang also said: "Both sides should properly deal with the problem of differences."