The Twenty Group (G20) summit summit was held in New Delhi, the capital of India from September 9th to 10th, but Chinese officials and Russian President Putju is absent .Without the participation of China -Russia leaders, what are the results of the G20 summit?

Some analysts believe that the G20 summit gives US President Biden an opportunity to win other refusal to refuse to refuse to be in Russia and Ukraine War or countries in China and the United States confrontation from China, such as India, Brazil, South Africa, and Indonesia.

German Prime Minister Tsurtz pointed out in an interview with German media a few days ago that despite the absence of Sino -Russian leaders, the summit is still very important, and the G20 still has important contributions and "major obligations" to be fulfilled.

Groasman, a senior researcher at the Indo -Pacific Defense Company (RAND CORP), said that the Chinese official did not attend the summit at this time, "maybe I want to make New Delhi be embarrassed on the world stage."He pointed out that China's official absent will affect the views of the summit success.

Scholars: Global economy must strengthen international cooperation in the face of multiple challenges

Dr. Cai Dao Aluminum, a senior lecturer of the Strategy and Policy Department of the Singapore National University of Singapore, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Zaobao. Without the attendance of leaders of China and Russia, the risk of splitting of the superpowers was still very high.He reminded: "We live in such a world, whether in the economy or geopolitics, it has become increasingly uncertain and dispersed."

Cai Dao Aluminum pointed out that the latest data from the International Monetary Fund shows that the number of trade restrictions implemented in 2022 is five times that of 2010."The global economy has suffered many serious strikes from the economy, hygiene and political fields. When dealing with these urgent global challenges, international cooperation needs to be strengthened."

Dr. Cai Dao Aluminum, a senior visit researcher at the Strategy and Policy Department of the National University of Commerce, said that the current global facing various urgent challenges must strengthen international cooperation (interviewees provided)

Climate crisis is the global problem that the summit is urgently handled at this summit. Once the carbon dioxide emissions of the G20 member states have accounted for 80 % of the world's total, all countries face the pressure of showing political commitments to respond to the climate crisis. Second, India has promised to promiseIt is necessary to give priority to climate crisis at the summit, especially the energy transformation of climate financing, green technology development and fair energy.It also needs to promote topics such as inclusive economic growth and the development of digital public infrastructure.

In addition to the climate crisis, members of the G20 still have different opinions on other important issues that affect the world and continue to wrestle.

It is known that China tries to link the chip to climate problems in the G20 negotiation Beijing has raised the problem of advanced semiconductors.When the US National Security Consultant Sarawan answered media inquiries on Friday (September 8), it was irresponsible that any approach to climate change operations with semiconductor -to -semiconductor ties was irresponsible, and said that the United States would refuse such an initiative.

British media reports that British Prime Minister Sunak will call on India Prime Minister Modi to adopt a tougher stance on Russia and encourage Modi to end the Russian and Ukraine war through positive diplomatic means.

Bloomberg analyzed that members of the G20 were controversial about the debt issues of emerging markets. China stated that the contents of emerging market debt in the draft of the communiqué and condemning Russia to launch the Ukrainian war.In addition, the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) and other G20 members have different opinions on a new plan for developing countries to provide financing countries.

The lack of leadership is much more serious than the differences in different countries

G20 is still inconsistent, and the outside world is inevitable: can the G20 lead the world in the future?

Cai Dao Aluminum told Lianhe Zaobao that the lack of leadership may have a profound impact on the world.He pointed out that, such as climate change and international trade, which are essentially complex issues, need a strong dialogue between countries and adopt fast and effective solutions.

Cai Dao Aluminum said: "What I am worried about is not the difference between the country, but that I am worried that the lack of the leadership that can formulate solutions and respects and bridges these differences."

Indian Prime Minister Modi borrowed the G20 summit to conduct overwhelming publicity and hung Modi posters everywhere.Some people point out that he is creating a momentum for next year's election.(Agence France -Presse)

At this summit, the host country India has high hopes to show its strength again on the international stage.

Modi hopes to use the opportunity to serve as the G20 chairman to deal with the attention of "Global South".

Hudson Research Institute South Asia Expert Pan De said: "India and the south of the world, the solid relationship between these past non -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all -all ally is an ideal bridge."

Curierman, director of the South Asia Research Institute of Washington Think Tank, said that India regards the G20 chairman as an opportunity."New Delhi can show the ability of India's relationship with competitors. However, from the Russian and Ukraine War to the Pacific of India, this task is not easy when the tension is upgraded around the world.Whether Di can ensure that the summit reaches consensus, and post a joint communique or leader declaration after the meeting. "

If the summit cannot reach consensus, India will work hard to put it into the East

This year, the G20 ministerial forum has repeatedly unable to reach an agreement on the position of the Russian and Ukraine War.In February 2023, after the G20's Finance Minister and the Central Bank President met in Callel, India, the consensus could not be reached because of a consensus on war issues."REL = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> No Joint Communist Party was replaced by the chairman of India.After that, the G20 Foreign Minister's meeting held in New Delhi in March was also deadlocked due to the same problem.againReplaced by the Chairman of the Oriental State .

It is generally believed that the lack of consensus will allow Modi to use the status of the G20 chairman to enhance India's global reputation and ambition efforts to put it into the east.