The Canadian government has announced a judicial investigation on the charges of foreign intervention in Canadian elections. The preliminary results are expected to be announced at the end of February next year.Prime Minister Trudeau stated that he was willing to testify in court and said that letting the public see the impact of the interference in other countries will help the Canadian party to further prevent the political system from being intervened by foreign forces.

The Canadian government announced on Thursday (September 7) that the Leader of the Quebec Appeal Court of Appeal Court of Appeal Hoggie, the judicial investigation of the election intervention allegations.Minister of Public Security LeBron said that Hogg has a wide range of investigations and will not only investigate China, but also investigate the interference in Russia and other overseas forces.

The Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, who was visiting Singapore on Friday (8th) at a press conference at the Shangri -La Hotel, stated that he was very willing to testify the results of the investigation and will actively respond to any requirements made by the Investigation Commission.

Earlier this year, Canadian media such as the Global Post quoted foreign news reports that China interfered in the federal elections in Canada in 2019 and 2021, trying to assist relatives of relatives to be elected Prime Minister.This incident triggered the diplomatic friction in China. Beijing condemned these allegations that it was Ziyu, and the two countries expelled their diplomats in May this year.

Most Canadians believe that election intervention seriously threatens the Democracy of Canada

The Canadian opposition party has always put pressure on Trudeau for the election intervention, urging him to launch an independent and open judicial investigation.Most Canadians believe that the election intervention seriously threatens the Democratic Democracy of Canada, and Trudeau has failed to respond.The polls released by Bloomberg this year showed that only 14%of Canadian respondents affirmed him on this issue.

Trudeau did not name China on a press conference on Friday.He pointed out that for all democratic countries, overseas countries and non -state forces interfere with the democratic system and even the business and academic fields of overseas countries are a "fact", and the official investigation of transparent and open investigations for this is important.

Trudeau: Public investigation will make citizens feel relieved

When asked if the initiative to launch a judicial survey will exacerbate the fear of Canadians, Trudeau said that this public investigation will allow the people to continue to protect the government and the system of security.The influence of the Canadian government will further prevent the national system from being intervened.

Canada -China relations have continued to be nervous in recent years. Trudeau said in an interview with Bloomberg on Thursday night that due to China's tough foreign policy, Canada is currently not politically" returning to good "space .Relations between the two countries are now "stable", but there is still a lot of room for improvement.

He also emphasized that China is one of the most important economies in the world. It cannot be ignored. Canada must also contact China in the field of climate change to identify cooperation and competition.