(Washington Comprehensive) Microsoft's latest research report said that China is using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to spread false information on social media, trying to disturb American voters when the US presidential election comes in 2024.

Microsoft Analysts posted a blog post on Thursday (September 7) that in the past nine months, the persons who suspected of being a Chinese special agent fake American voters on the Western Social media platform.The false images of politicians and signs, and these images were then reprinted and forwarded by netizens.For example, there is a image showing the statue of the Liberty Goddess holding the assault rifle, the title is the goddess of violence, and a line of text warning democracy and freedom are "abandoned."

Microsoft said that the above fake accounts are to create an illusion that belongs to Americans, positioning it in the United States, and posted American political slogans to share topic labels related to American political issues.Microsoft pointed out that these accounts are suspected to be a part of China's information operations, and their activities are similar to the "Elite Group in the Ministry of Public Security" referred to by the US Department of Justice.Microsoft does not specifically explain which Western social media platforms are affected, but the screenshots of the report in the report show that they are taken from Facebook and Twitter (now X).

Reuters reports that Microsoft's report highlights that when the United States prepares the presidential election next year, election officials are increasingly worried that other countries will use artificial intelligence technology to spread false information to American voters.The U.S. government has accused Russia in intervention in the 2016 US presidential election through the secret social media action, and Washington later accused China and Iran's attempt to influence American voters.

Microsoft's report said: "We can expect that over time, China will continue to improve this (artificial intelligence) technology, but it remains to be observed how to deploy this technology on a large scale." China Embassy in the United States: Resolutely oppose full prejudice and malicious speculation of China

In response to Microsoft's report, Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States, responded: "In recent years, some Western media and think tanks have accused China of using artificial intelligence to create a false social media account to spread the so -called 'pro -China" information. These remarks are fullFor prejudice and malicious guessing China, China has resolutely opposed it. "