(Tokyo Composite) Japan decided to bring , the Japanese aquatic products have fallen dueIn the face of suspension of business, some fishery companies have also turned to Europe, America and Southeast Asian markets.

China is the largest seafood export market in Japan.According to the official trade statistics of Japan, last year's export scale reached 87.1 billion yen (about S $ 810 million). The main products include scallops, catfish, sea bream, sea urchin, and sea cucumber.

Data from the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market website show that on August 25, the next day after the start of the nuclear treatment water, the average price of fresh green catfish markets fell by 24%from the previous trading day.To 9383 yen per kilogram.

Hokkaido, a company operating the export business of mainland China and Hong Kong, said that the company had a problem of financial problems, planned to close the business and retired 20 employees.

Xiao Senyuan, the president of Fengquan, headquartered in Tokyo and the Fishing Product Trade, said that after the export of China was cut off, the company had turned its focus to Europe, the United States and Southeast Asia."I can only do anything to the companies exported in China now."

Company representatives operating catfish and catfish breeding and processing industries operated by Hashikou Water Products in Nagasaki Prefecture said that about one -tenth of their exports to China, the ban has led to the loss of sales of hundreds of millions of yen.He hopes that the government will compensate the cost of fishermen's breeding.

Economist estimates that fishermen's overseas sales or lose half of the losses

The economic division Kanagawa and Ma of Yamato General Research pointed out that half of Japan's fishing products exported to mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It is estimated that fishermen will lose half of their overseas sales, which is a "huge blow."

The Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) reported that after the Chinese Customs announced on Thursday (24th), the Japanese government began to explore how to further support fisheries.It is expected that more than half of the scallop industry in the export of seafood in China is one of the areas that may receive additional support.Japan has officially established a fishery assistance fund equivalent to S $ 740 million.

It is reported that some Japanese scallops processed in China were exported to third countries including the United States.The Japanese government is now considering the construction of seafood processing facilities and opening sales channels in China, and no longer rely on China's processing facilities.

The Japanese Gongming Party leader delayed his visit to China at the request of China

As China issued a ban on Japanese aquatic products, the Japanese Gongming Party, Konko Yamaguchi, revealed that he was delayed that the China side was delayed from the 28th to 30th of this month.The Gongming Party issued a statement on Saturday (26th) saying that the Chinese side notified the Gongming Party on the same day: "Considering the current Sino -Japanese relations, this time is not appropriate." Yamaguchi Natsu Men originally hoped to meet with Chinese officials and transferred to the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita's letter.

After China does not allow Japanese aquatic products to enter, Russia expressed its hope to expand similar products to China.Relevant Russian regulators federal veterinarians and plant quarantine supervision bureau issued a statement on Friday that Russia hopes to expand the types and quantities of aquatic products exported to China by applying for a permit for more Russian companies and ships.

At the same time, the United States reiterates the support of Japanese emissions nuclear treatment water.The US State Department issued a statement on Friday that Japan is welcome to keep in contact with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and regional interests.

Statement said: "Since the disaster, Japan has maintained an open and transparent attitude, responsible managing the final emissions of the Fukushima first nuclear power plant and the processing of water, active scientists, partners, and international internationally in the Indo -Pacific region.Coordination of atomic energy agencies. "

Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fang held an online meeting with the Director -General of IAEA on Friday and unanimously agreed to formulate and publish documents for Fukushima Nuclear Haiji operations as soon as possible.According to the report of the Kyodo News, the move is to clearly highlight the participation of IAEA on handling the water rowing plans.

Lin Fangzheng emphasized that it will not discharge the negative impact on health and the environment, and will continue to explain scientific and highly transparent explanations.Gross shows that IAEA will participate in the last drop of nuclear treatment of water.