(Moscow Comprehensive) Russia official said that 10 remains including the Russian mercenary organization Wagner Group's head of Vagna Group have been found, as well as the flight recorder of the crashed aircraft.

According to AFP and BBC (BBC), the Russian Investigation Commission said at Telegram on Friday (August 25) that investigators found 10 victims' body at the scene of the plane.Learning analysis is ongoing. "

This plane was on Wednesday (23rd) , The cause of the accident caused a wide range of guessing. Some speculated that they were bombed by bombs, and some said they were shot under the missile.

Russian officials said that investigations have been launched on violation of air traffic rules, but they have remained silent about the cause of the crash of the plane.

U.S. officials seem to be more and more determined. In June this year, > Pryigor has died.Some European leaders speculate that this is the assassination of the Kremlin's first -hand plan.Ke Palace refuted the relevant statement on Friday.

U.S. President Biden revealed that U.S. officials are trying to determine how the planes where Pryigon rides is shot down.Bayeng was asked by the reporter on Friday that the crash said, "I can't provide specific instructions ... We are trying to determine the matter of the matter, I can't tell now."

President White: Putin is cautious, calm and unimaginable, he is the main ambassador behind the scenes

President White Ross, Lukashenko, said that he "could not imagine" Russian President Putin was the behind -the -scenes ambassador of the crash.

Bai Tong News Agency reported on Friday that Lukashenko believes that such assassination methods are "too unprofessional" and cannot be done by Putin.Lukashenko described: "Putin is a very cautious and calm person, and it is also slow -paced when making decisions on some less complicated issues. Therefore, I can't imagine that he will do this."

Putin Thursday (24th) to all the victims, including the family members of Pleigo, mourn, Called a crash was a tragedy , and promised to conduct a thorough investigation.

At the same time, Putin signed an order on Friday to forcibly serve all Russian military, as well as people and organizations who assisted in Ukraine to launch "special military operations" and vowed to be loyal to Russia.This is obviously to strengthen Russia's control over Wagner and other mercenaries.

The Kremlin paid this order on the official website and stated that it was to consolidate the spirit and moral foundation of Russian defense, and all relevant personnel must promise to strictly abide by the commanders and senior generals.