The genetic test results conducted by Russian investigators confirmed that the Wagner Mercenary Organization Poligen died of crash .

Reuters reported that the Russian Investigation Commission issued a statement on Telegram on Sunday (27th) that the molecular genetic examination has been completed. "According to the results of the inspection"Consistent".

The Russian Aviation Administration previously announced the name of 10 passengers on private planes crashed in Tivil, northwest of Moscow, including Pricigen and Utkin.Utekin is a powerful assistant for Pleigo, and has helped create Wagner Group.

People have speculated that the Kremlin may be related to the crash.Two months ago, Perigon planned a transformation against senior executives against the Russian army.

Kegong spokesman Peskov said on Friday (25th) that this was a tragedy, and the guess of "Putin participated in Pleigo's crash" was a lie.

Russian President Putin said that the mutiny was a "behind the knife behind", but he met Pleigen at the Kremlin.He expressed condolences to the family members of the victims of the crasle on Thursday (24th).