Russian officials say that I believe that 10 remains , and The device has been found.

BBC reported that the Russian Investigation Commission said at Telegram on Friday (August 25) that investigators found 10 victims of the victims at the scene of the plane."" ".

The plane crashed near Moscow on Wednesday (23rd). Whether the accident was caused by bombs or missiles caused widespread speculation.U.S. officials seem to be more and more certain that Pryigor, who launched an armed rebellion in June, has died. Some European leaders speculate that this is the assassination of the Kremlin's first -hand plan.Kayu Refucarity is "a nonsense".

According to Reuters, US President Biden revealed that U.S. officials are trying to determine how the planes that Pryigon rides is shot down.

Bynden was asked by a reporter on Friday and said, "I can't provide specific instructions ... We are trying to determine the exact situation, but I can't tell now."

President of President Lukashenko said on the same day that up to 10,000 Wagner soldiers will continue to be stationed in Beros.Many experts believe that Lukashenko will be ordered in the Kremlin.

On the other hand, Russian President Putin signed a presidential order on Friday stipulating that members of Russia's quasi -military organizations must swore loyalty to the Russian flag and "defend the spirit and moral foundation of the Russian Federal Federation."This president is suitable for volunteer organizations, and Russian mercenaries are called volunteer organizations.