(Johannesburg Comprehensive Electric) The BRICS Group expands the lineup and invites Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Argentina to enhance the influence of the BRICS Group and defend the interests of the "global southern countries".

The fifteenth meeting of BRICS leaders was held in Johannesburg, South Africa from August 22 to 24.South African President Rama PCM announced at a press conference on Thursday (24th) that he had an agreement with the leaders of China, India, Brazil and Russia on expanding the BRICS lineup.He said: "The BRICS countries are trying to build a fair, fair, tolerant, and prosperous world, which has opened a new chapter."

The newly added country will officially become a BRICS member on January 1, 2024.Lamaga and Brazilian President Lula also said to open the door to accept other new members in the future."We reached a consensus on the first stage of the expansion process, and other stages will follow."

Lula pointed out that the commitment of globalization has failed, and it is time to regain cooperation with developing countries. He mentioned that the BRICS countries support the African Union to join the Gemkry Twenty Group.Lula also pointed out that the world's "risk of nuclear war", he refers to that Russia and the West have become increasingly tense because of the Ukrainian war.

Chinese official: Injecting new vitality in accordance with the expectations of the international community

Chinese officials pointed out at a press conference that this expansion is historic, reflecting the determination of the unity and combination of BRICS countries, in line with the expectations of the international community, and in line with the common interests of emerging market countries and developing countries.EssenceThis expansion is also a new starting point for BRICS cooperation. It will inject new vitality into the BRICS cooperation mechanism and further expand the power of world peace and development.

In 2006, Foreign Ministers of Brazil, Russia, India, and China held their first meeting to start a prelude to the BRICS countries.In December 2010, the four countries absorbed South Africa's joining mechanism.Before this summit, more than 20 countries from the Global South are officially requested to join.With them, more than 40 countries have stated that they are interested in joining the BRICS mechanism.Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, sent a delegation to the summit.UAE President Muhammad is already a member of the Group's New Development Bank (NDB). He posted a post on social media saying: "We look forward to continuing to cooperate to promote the prosperity, dignity and interests of people in the world and people in the world."

The population of the five countries of the BRICS accounts for more than 40 % of the global population. Expansion helps it to fight with the Seven Kingdoms Group in the world affairs.

According to Bloomberg's economic research prediction, by 2040, the total economic volume of the BRICS countries (including Saudi and Indonesia) after expansion will account for 44 % of the world's, and the Seventh Kingdom Group will be 21 %.