On November 11, the day of "1" was called "Single Festival" by China.Japan calls "one person's day" on the 1st, 11th and 21st on the month.

The magazine editor Xiaolin, a magazine that moved from his hometown to Tokyo to work hard, liked him alone, but he usually felt a touch on January 11 this year., I am 35 years old, but I am still single. The fortune teller on the street said that I have passed the age of marriage, which makes me unable to start to be sad for the rest of my life.

Soon someone followed the advice: "Don't be sad, why not plan a person's wedding?"

Soon after, Kobayashi really found a Japanese wedding shop, put on a wedding dress for himself, and published this experience in the magazine.She wrote: "A person's wedding is full of loneliness and is also very challenging! However, think about it, this is a new attempt for Japanese single society."

Over half of the customers are unmarried women 20 to 40 years old

The "Single Wedding" service is currently popular in Japan. More than half of customers are unmarried women in their 20s and 30s.Some of them are single mothers who have never worn a wedding dress and want to make up for regret, and many of them are not intending to get married in the short term, but look forward to wearing wedding dresses.

The 26 -year -old clerk Yamaguchi belongs to the latter.With the assistance of the wedding planner a few days ago, she held a wedding of a person at the small auditorium of the Tokyo Gulf Scenic Area at the Sky Field Auditorium of the Tokyo Gulf Scenic Area.

Yamaguchi Xinglai was very excited that day, and arrived in the makeup room three hours in advance.She spent an hour on her makeup, and then changed to the selected wedding dress. With the guidance of the waiter, she slowly entered the auditorium alone.Only one of her girlfriends who watched the ceremony.

Yamaguchi Xinglai said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao: "Now, the desire of the Japanese stepped into marriage has gradually faded. I like to be alone and there is no plan to get married at present. But I am very envious of ordinary brides.Wedding scene. "

A person's wedding is like a family wine.The wedding planning prepared the "wedding certificate" for Yamaguchi Star, and she also chose a "groom officer" -a cloth doll made of the role of the video game game she likes.Although it is not really married, the wedding planner and photographer still carefully arranged every beautiful wedding lens for her.

Video Games Mountain Mount Star came to make the characters in the video game into cloth dolls as "grooms" and arranged for themselves for themselves, in order to realize the dream of wearing a wedding dress.(Photo by Fu Zhu Hui)

There are many different prices and content supporting facilities such a single wedding. If you just take a wedding photo, the cheapest is about 20,000 yen (about S $ 186).If you want a lively wedding, the bride can also invite girlfriends and family members to take pictures together, and go to the high -end restaurant to "banquet" after the wedding, and then stay in the hotel with girlfriends and wait for the hotel to spend a good night.In Japan, a decreasing number of weddings, single wedding has become a new business opportunity in the Japanese wedding industry.

The planner of Petti Wedding, the wedding office, said in an interview: "A person's wedding is the change of the times. Women's ability to take a single wedding photo according to their own wishes, and stay in their most beautiful when they are the most beautiful.Wedding dresses. Now, if you do n’t get married, you can support your Japanese women. They do n’t want to be bound. ”

The married girlfriend who accompanied the mountain stars to take wedding photos, told reporters after the wedding: "I am half of my unmarried and married. I don't get married, I think it is easy to consider economic issues.When you think of getting a child when you get married, you will be worried that you can't raise it. "

The number of unmarried people in Japan has increased significantly for nearly 50 years

The burden of life after marriage allows some people to have a negative attitude towards marriage, and because society has a higher acceptance of single life, it makes people cherish the freedom of single.A 46 -year -old female dancer said in an interview on the street: "Dancing is my dream, and I have been working hard for this ideal. Until now, I also feel that single life is comfortable and happy."

Nakamura (48 years old), who is the only daughter, is to accompany her mother to choose not to marry.Nakamura's father died early, she said, "I have been busy working, and my life has passed unknowingly. Now I think about it, I often travel and watch movies myself.For people's life, I still decide not to marry. "

The Cabinet's Cabinet Mansion released in 2022, the young child -based social countermeasure white paper pointed out that the number of unmarried people in Japan has increased significantly over the past 50 years.In 1970, only 1.7%of the 50 -year -old Japanese men were unmarried, and 50 -year -old women unmarried accounts for 3.3%.By 2022, the proportion of men who were still married at the age of 50 had increased to 28.3%, and women increased to 17.8%.The Japanese Institute of Population and Social Security of Japan predicts that 20 years later, among the total population of 15 years and above in Japan, the number of single, divorce and widowed celibate will exceed 48 million, accounting for 48%of the total.

Single person purchasing power to wake up new consumption forms

The person in charge of the Baoyutang Single Research Institute of Single Society, Arakawa Kazuki, has begun to pay attention to this subject since 2014. He found that the consumption form of the Japanese is changing with Japan's "super single" country.

Arakawa Kazuka told the Morning Post: "In the 1970s, more than half of Japan's population belonged to the standard families of one couple and two children. The number of people in the 1990s fell to 40%, and in 2015 to 27%.In 2014, many restaurants in Japan have four seats, and the lowest number of people traveling with the group is two. As a service format, this market accounts for 60%. "

"Until the 1980s, Japan was still a society that people would generally get married. There were many full -time housewives. Their consumer battlefield was a supermarket. However, by the 1990s, as more and more people were unmarried and single, booming, booming, boomingThe development of the development of the development has become a convenience store. Sales of supermarkets, with the growth of the married couple and the family with children slowly and passivation. "

Decreased population in Japan will lead to consumption reduction is a common view, but Arakawa believes that as singles increase, Japan will enter a large "personalized consumption era", and social personalized single consumer markets are estimated to exceed 1 million billion yuanJPY.

Taking a single wedding as an example, Arakawa said: "If the number of weddings is reduced, the wedding itself may be outdated by one day ... But people with willingness can use the" personal wedding "service at any time, which has become a new new wedding industry.Hope. "

The Japanese Broadcasting Association (NHK )'s program about single consumption also found that the actual consumption of single men is not inferior to the family.A standard small family costs 14,000 yen per month. Single men under 34 years old in Japan spend 25,000 yen, and single men over 35 years of age spend up to 23,000 yen.Singles are used in cooked food such as box lunch and rice balls, as well as the actual consumption of coffee, alcohol and other beverages, which is also higher than the consumption expenditure of family members to eat at home.

Single -singing K to eat campers change to meet demand

Japan's popular comics and TV show lonely food, the owner inside is responsible for marketing, because a person runs business outside, he always lonely one person while eating, but he eats it with interest.After the show was popular, the "one -person food" boom in Japan has increased the restaurants that designed dishes and seats alone for meals, and other industries have kept up with the trend.

Apart from a long time agoJust began to facing single diners' noodle shops (small shops standing with limited space) and library restaurants. Single barbecue, single -player hot pot, etc. have also prevailed recently.In a typical barbecue restaurant, each group of customers will eat for an hour or two, but in the barbecue restaurant where one person eats alone, each customer only stays for 25 minutes on average.

Most of the previous Japanese restaurants were placed in four or two tables, but in order to cater to the arrival of single society, many restaurants have now set up single-person snack rooms.(Photo by Fu Zhu Hui)

Japan's single consumer market is even more independent in the crown disease epidemic, and the popularity is "single karaoke" and "single camping".These concepts are to meet the needs of customers, so that people can fully enjoy a person's world.

Some people think that it is limited to singles alone, but this is a misunderstanding.Even if you get married, there are many people who act alone.Japanese magazine's Toyo Economy pointed out: "In the epidemic, the most stressful is the married person in the face of remote work and spending time at home. In fact, commuting time is a period of time.Very precious time. This is the same for housewives. If her husband stays at home, she has no time to be alone. Whether it is working in a multi -person company or in the family, people are eager to have time and activities. "

Single consumers are a huge market in Japan, and home appliances have begun to launch a universal electric cooker for one person.(Network photo)

Buy a mini stone monument to commission the temple to worship

Many Japanese weekly magazines have enthusiastically promoted single leisure activities, including playing in the amusement park, visiting Aquarium, traveling, and attending music festivals alone.Recently, the single and funerals of singles have also become hot topics, pushing the unique service of "single society" to the limit.

Hongfa Temple, located near Liu Benmu in the center of Tokyo. Eight years ago, the cemetery for the family was demolished and covered a six -story ashes.In addition to the modern decoration of the building, in addition to the traditional large -scale family tombstones in Japan, some floors are also designed as botanical gardens, and mini stone monuments are placed between grass and trees.

According to Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Quankong of Hongfa Temple, most of them who bought mini stone monuments were unmarried or divorced women.Because they did not deal with behind -the -hand, they bought the seat of the mini stone monument and commissioned the temple to worship.A mini stone monument requires a price of more than 100,000 yen, and the temple will also assist in arranging a lawyer to make a will for a single.

Sugiyama Quankong said: "In the past, people paid attention to inheritance and hoped to continue the incense of a family. Now, single people have increased. Considering that no one comes to worship, setting a mini stone monument to make their lives can be able to live their lives.Leave a mark. "

According to the Hongfa Temple Chief of the Temple, Sugiyama Shan Shan Quankong, most of them who bought mini stone monuments were unmarried or divorced women, hoping to entrust the temple to worship.(Photo by Fu Zhu Hui)

Single persons are attracted to the government's "loneliness"

As a super -aging society, the three major problems currently facing Japan include loneliness, age dementia, and sin of the elderly, and the increase in singles means that the problem of loneliness will be more serious in the future.

In February 2021, the Japanese government founded the "lonely and isolation countermeasures to deal with the office", hoping to seek countermeasures for the trend of great increase in young people and women during the crown disease.The situation of unmarried, unmarried, divorce, and elderly widowed dolls attracted social attention.

孤独部长小仓将信在2021年8月接管这个办公室时说:“日本不婚单身人士的增加与人际关系的变化密切相关。虽然这些变化为一些企业提供了新的商机,但也Severe challenges to the future of the country. In the century of life, how will people's consciousness changes, and what impact on society and economy requires close attention. "

The alertness of the Japanese Enterprise Office is not equal to loneliness

At present, there are more and more elderly people in the suburbs of Japan, and unmarried singles in the urban area have increased, but the Japanese administrative system and policy are still based on family planning units.Many voices in the society call on the government to establish a response mechanism to take care of the well -being of singles, including formulating a dying medical service solution for the residents.In an era of decreased population and manpower shortage, relying on robots and artificial intelligence technology is also a solution worth exploring.

In addition to substantial benefits, how to take good care of the mental state of singles and reduce their sense of loneliness and isolation is also the key, and it may even be more important.Japanese companies are quite alert in this regard. When hosting activities for singles, words are particularly careful.

Arakawa pointed out that Japanese activities generally do not use the word "single", but use "solo", which is to let people know that single is not equal to loneliness.

He said: "Among the bands or orchestral bands, soloists refer to those who have the opportunity to perform separately in the crowd or perform alone. They can perform with others, but if they are told to perform themselves, they can also be alone, or they can also be alone.The concept is very important. Whether it is alone or not, each of us is necessary to become economical and emotionally independent. In other words, we require ourselves not to rely too much on groups or communities. If you only have you,You also have the ability to act. "