(Tokyo Composite Electric) Japan After the water starts to process water , Tokyo The power company announced that seawater sample testing shows that the level of radioactive substances is within the scope of safety.

The Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station began to discharge processing nuclear waste water into the Pacific Ocean on Thursday (August 24), and the first round of emissions will last 17 days.On the second day after the discharge operation was started, the Japanese environmental province collected seawater samples in the surrounding waters to investigate the concentration of radioactive substances.

Tokyo Electric Power spokesman Matsuo Matsuo Friday (25th) at the press conference, the results of seawater sampling testing were announced."We confirm that the analysis value is equal to the calculated concentration, that is, the analysis value is lower than the 1,500 Bercler (BQ/L) per liter."

Becquerl is a radioactive measurement standard, and the statutory emission concentration of Japan is 60,000 Bercler.Drinking water radioactive substances stipulated by the World Health Organization is limited to 10,000 Berchlerk per liter.

Fangyuan three kilometers and 10 places sample every month to analyze every month

Songwei said that the analysis results are similar to the official analog estimation of the official before, and are far lower than the security limit."We will continue to analyze every day in the next month, and even continue to analyze the work later."

During this period, the Dongdian Society sampled daily at 10 locations within three kilometers of the nuclear power plant and announced the results the next day.

The Japanese Environment Save four sampling operating vessels also dispatched on Friday morning, collecting seawater samples from 11 places in about 50 kilometers of the seas of about 50 kilometers. The analysis results will be announced as soon as Sunday (27th).The official plan will announce the analysis results once a week in about three months.

The Fisheries Department also captured a specified sampling point near the Fukushima nuclear power plant discharge pipe, captured a pair of fish and a catfish to analyze the impact of the emissions on the impact of seafood.

Minister of Economics and Industry, who is responsible for nuclear policy, said: "Published these data in a highly transparent manner every day, we will prove that Japan takes action based on scientific evidence."

China's ban on Japanese aquatic products will provide additional support for local fisheries

China has banned the entrance of Japanese aquatic products.According to Japan Economic News, in response to China's import ban, the Japanese government is preparing to provide additional financial support for local fisheries.

In Japan, the analysis pointed out that the problem of nuclear treatment of water discharge also , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,If you do not try to remedy, the support rate of the cabinet may be further frustrated.

The public opinion survey conducted by the Kyodo News this month showed that as high as 88.1%of the respondents believed that the Euka incident would cause the Kishida government to be damaged; 81.9%of people who believed that the government had "inadequate explanation" of the Haihai.

Another neighboring South Korea in Japan, the Marine Aquatic Department said on Friday that officials have continued to conduct marine radioactive investigations in the northwestern Pacific Pacific Sea near Japan since June this year. We must understand the changes in nucleo concentration after nuclear treatment of water.The official is sampled by eight points in the waters of the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station as a round heart, with a radius of 500 kilometers to 1,600 kilometers.The concentration analysis is a typical radioactive nuclein-134, 铯 -137, and a multi-ribin exclusion device that cannot be filtered.

Li Zaiming, the head of the Democratic Party of the largest opposition party in South Korea, condemned the Yin Xiyue government and assisted Japan for "environmental crime".He said that except for cheap solving the problem, the Japanese measures have no reason, it is an environmental terror.He even believes that the Kishida government must be listed as an environmental war criminal.