South African President Rama Tosa announced on Thursday (August 24) that the BRICS cooperation mechanism will absorb six new member states.This will be the first expansion since the establishment of the BRICS Fifth Kingdom Group in 2010.Prime Minister Modi, a member of the BRICS Five Kingdoms, said that the expansion of the BRICS Group conveyed the information that all organizations needed to keep pace with the times.

According to Reuters, Lama Paoa said on the same day that the Leaders of BRICS Five Kingdoms decided at the fifteenth meeting of the BRICS leaders held in Johannesburg, South Africa., Saudi Arabia and the UAE have joined the BRICS cooperation mechanism."They will officially become a new member of the BRICS cooperation mechanism on New Year's Day next year."

According to previous reports, South African Foreign Minister Pan Duor said on Wednesday (23rd) that the leaders of the BRICS Five Kingdoms will be Group expansion mechanism to reach a consensus, and I passed a file .

With the addition of South Africa, the BRICS Fifth Kingdom Group was established in 2010, and the other four countries were China, Russia, Brazil and India.

Chinese official local time attended the 15th Special Press Conference on the 15th meeting of the BRICS leaders at Johnesburg.He emphasized that this expansion is historic, reflecting the determination of the unity of the BRICS countries with developing countries, in line with the expectations of the international community, and in line with the common interests of emerging market countries and developing countries.

He said that this expansion is also a new starting point for BRICS cooperation. It will inject new vitality into the BRICS cooperation mechanism and further strengthen the power of world peace and development. "I believe that as long as we work together, the BRICS cooperation is promising.BRICS countries are expected in the future. "

Indian Prime Minister Modi said that other global organizations established in the 20th century are now outdated and should be extended to the BRICS."The expansion and modernization process of the BRICS convey the information that needs to keep pace with the times to all organizations in the world."

Brazilian President Lula said that the promise of globalization has declined. In the context of the threat of nuclear war and the increasingly tense relationship between Russia and Western countries due to the increasingly tense relationship between the Russian and Ukraine warEssence

Russian President Putin made a speech through a video that he believed that leaders of the BRICS leaders and this expansion will improve the relationship between members of the group.He also thanked South Africa President Ramagosa for their efforts for the expansion of the brick.