(Brisbane Comprehensive) U.S. Defense Secretary Austin said the United States will protect allies to resist China's "bullying behavior" in the Pacific region.

Austin on Friday (July 28) in Brisbane said that the United States and Australia were worried about the behavior of China trying to deviate from international law. They saw that China was in the East China Sea, the South China Sea and the Southwest PacificUrgent coercion.Austin said the United States "will continue to support our allies and partners to resist bullying."

The United States and Australia's Defense Director and Foreign Minister will hold Australian Ministerial Consultation Meeting (AUSMIN) on Saturday (29th), which will focus on the progress, regional security and clean energy of nuclear power submarine agreements.

Austin also said that the two sides will discuss the issues of deepening defense relations, including incorporating Japan into joint military strength.

25 Republican lawmakers in the United States told President Biden on Thursday (27th) that the plan to sell three nuclear -powered submarines under the AUKUS for the United States and Britain, Britain, and the United States will weaken the US fleet by the Australian plan.People accept it.

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Australian Prime Minister Albanis responded on Friday that he was still "very confident" that the United States would deliver nuclear -powered submarines and pointed out that at the NATO summit held in Lithuania this month,The Republican and Democratic Party promised to support this agreement.

Australian Defense Minister Marce said in an interview with Australia Sky News on Friday that understanding the American industry is facing pressure, but he firmly believes that this plan is beneficial to the three parties in Australia and the United States, and the agreement is being planned as planned.

Australia has promised to invest US $ 3 billion (nearly $ 4 billion) to develop American submarine facilities.