The White House in the United States announced that President Biden will receive a third -sided summit on August 18 to receive Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita and South Korean President Yin Xiyue in the David of Maryland.

Reuters reported that the White House spokesman Jean-Pierre issued a statement on Friday (July 28) saying: "The three leaders will discuss cooperation expanded in the Indo-Pacific region and other regions, including response (North Korea) to continueThreats, and strengthen the relationship with the Asians and Pacific Island countries. "

Due to the growing strength to China, and The common concern, Washington tried to promote the two major Asian allies, Japan and South Korea to cooperate more closely.

Japan and South Korea have long -term opposition and contradictions due to historical problems, but Kishida Wenxiong and Yin Xiyue have recently been committed to repairing relations, and the relationship between the two countries has gradually recovered.

The formal name of CAMP David is The Naval Support Facility Thurmont, which is the Presidential President.It is located in the Katokoting Mountain Park, Frederic County, Maryland. It is 113 kilometers from Washington, DC, covers an area of 125 acres. It only takes 30 minutes to take a helicopter from the White House.

David Camp has strict alertness, and there are the highest -level fences around.No one allows staying at the entrance, 300 meters before the entrance to David Camp can no longer take pictures.